Ch 28 Wet Rat

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As the weeks went on Gabriel left me alone, I guess violence does get people away. Whatever I do though there's always a new battle, like now. I am currently in the fountain outside. A group of griffendoors pushed me in when I was walking to herbology. I had my notebook on top of my head because they dangled it above my head then tripped me and pushed me in. then threw it on top of me. It just so happened to land on my head. They threw my bag into the water too, all my books and papers are ruined. 

(sorry for the quality i screenshotted when the picture was moving

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(sorry for the quality i screenshotted when the picture was moving. but that's what she kinda looks like, if you watched the movie this is from you have a better idea.)

I had warm tears streaming down my face. "Awee the babys crying" the towering fifth year seid throwing the rest of my things into the water. He and his friends walked away laughing. I decided to stay there. The final bell rang but I was still sitting there. Wet and cold. I was sad, my work was completely ruined. I was supposed to be in class but I couldn't move. My head throbbed from hitting it on the floor of the fountain. I decided to lay down. What's the point of going to class when I can't even do anything? Miss. riddle what do you think you're doing. I looked up to see professor Mcgonagall. But she stopped when she saw my tears and stuff. "Oh my child" she ran to give me a helping hand. I took it silently, "I'm sorry i'll go to class" i seid after getting up. She just looked stunned but I was already gathering my things. As I finished in an instant with most of my papers ripping, I was on my way. Very cold, wet, and having nothing ready to learn. When i left Mcgonagall was just staring off into space, i think she wasn't expecting that. When I entered the classroom everyone turned to look at me, most of them started laughing at my state. I probably looked like a wet rat. I decided to speak up "sorry my notes and book is ruined" i seid feeling uncomfortable. Professor sprout just rushed to me pushing me out of class, "heavens child what happened" she asked concerned, "i fell into the fountain. I said with a shrug hoping she wouldn't catch onto my lie. She nodded but i could tell she didn't believe me, "i'm sure dumbledore would be open right now, you can go to him. I know missing one of my classes won't change your grade" she said knowing who calmed me down. I decided I did want to go so I just nodded and started walking. I decided to walk fast because I didn't want to be seen looking like this. As I got to his door I walked up the stairs to see harry and him talking, I stopped in my tracks. We just stared at each other. "I'm sorry ill wait outside" i said turning to the door, "no its fine i was just finishing" harry seid. I nodded and stood there awkwardly as he left. "Freya what happened" Dumbledore seid standing up with his wand. In an instant my clothes, hair, and stuff was dry. I looked into my bag and saw that my papers were now mended too. I smiled at him and thanked him. I started explaining how these random boys pushed me into the water, he looked like a mix of sadness, pity, and anger. It's like he's a dad. I decided to stay for awhile and we talked about anything and everything, our favorite tea, sweets, facts, and fashion. "And that's why pandas eat 25 to 40 pounds a day," I said as I finished up my fact. He Looked kinda impressed that i knew that but also not surprised. "Did you celebrate your birthday?" he asked suddenly. I looked up flustered, "n-no" i seid completely embarrassed. "It's probably pretty pathetic right?" i said rubbing my arm. "I don't think it's pathetic of you, I think it's pathetic of your father '' Dumbledore seid standing up from his chair, he ruffled my hair. I don't know why but when people do that it calms me. "What a pretty necklace, where did you get it?" he asked, pointing to my daisy necklace. "Oh my mom got it for me" i said rubbing the smooth stone, it was just white plastic for the petals but there was a diamond in the middle. I thought back to the letter she gave me, I never read it because it would give me too much pain. Maybe I should read it when I get alone at Tom's house.  I looked up to see Dumbledore holding a pretty pink cake with roses as decorations in frosting, it was beautiful. I gasped as I took a step back. "Happy late birthday" he said with a warm smile, the orangeness of the candles glowing on his skin. I smiled as a knock at the door made me turn from the cake to the door. "Why don't you open the door? '' Dumbledore said. I gave him a confused look but opened the door. I was surprised to say the least. The familiar smell of mint and fresh paper overwhelmed my senses. It was hermione, and she had swept me up into a hug. "Happy late birthday Freya" she said happily. "Oh thank you" i seid still not properly rendering what was going on. I looked behind her to see Draco and Harry smiling at me along with a nervous neville. I probably looked like an idiot. I was confused, still processing, and smiling. That night was the night I got what I needed, it was filled with laughs and fun. At one point neville was laughing until he couldn't breathe. Which is rare but it was because of me of course. I had missed all my classes and they had come after classes but it was getting dark outside. Dumbledore had to leave and come back for dinner, but he brought us back food because we were having too much fun to leave. But all good things have to come to an end, at least for me. We were sent back after cake and food because our curfew was coming up. I think everyone had fun, even draco who usually would of been insulting harry and hermione but didn't. i guess he wanted me to have a good night. But, our night wasn't kept all nice and cheerful. 

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