48 The End (of the summer)

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By the time we had finished with the 18 books, it was night time so we decided to get our pajamas on, make some popcorn and watch a movie. Hermione's parents were home by this time and surprisingly they didn't yell at us, for the piercings. Although they did give a disappointed look and sighed in a disapproving way. They shook their heads and walked away. We decided to watch Rapunzel by Disney because I wasn't earlier with TV in general let alone Muggle media. I mean my house didn't even have a TV. And my father, Tom believed in purebred status meaning that anything Muggle was off limits. Hermione reacted the same way when I told her that I'd never watched TV before as I had told her when I said that I hadn't eaten cereal before. She was initially shocked and then started yelling and then forced me to watch. We chose Rapunzel specifically because Disney was a very big part of her childhood. She had told me that she had visited Disney world in America when she was a child. I mean from what Hermione told me about the vacation and what Disney world is I wanna go there. The next day we had kind of a beauty Day, we did each other's nails both feet and hands, then we experimented with makeup which I do have to say I did an amazing job on her I did a nice little eyeliner wing with a smokey eye with rosy cheeks and a nude lip. What her mom needed was also very good, surprisingly, she did a little wing too but instead of a natural Smokey look she decided to do one green eye and one blue eye for eyeshadow with bronzer highlighter and a pink lip gloss. It was beautiful. Then I did our hair. I strained her hair, then I put a flower crown on her that I made (it was made out of roses). Then I curled the tips of her hair making it  frame her face very well, even if her hair isn't short. For mine I did a half up half down look with my natural wavy hair for the up part of the half up half down there were space buns in place. Later in the day we were told we were going to France for the rest of the summer. Me and Hermione were ecstatic. I mean who wouldn't be, we're going to France? I don't speak the language but I would love to learn. Over the next few days before we left for vacation we finished off studying my mom's books. And the rest of the summer was really fun. In France we tried a lot of new food (some of them I didn't like) but the sweets were amazing. We also saw a lot of the sites to see in France like the Eiffel Tower, Louvre museum, and the Palace of Versailles. It was beautiful and the culture there was truly magnificent. The people that we did manage to talk to were always really nice and helped us with directions. Hermione's parents were really nice with including me on a family vacation, they treated me like their own. Which is crazy. but kind. The summer flew by and I wasn't really wanting it to but Life goes on and I'm ready for another year of being home but being in hell. We had gone shopping for our school supplies and I got a cat don't ask me why I just wanted one. I did owl my father about it but I got it before he could say no.

So now I have a cat her name is….

Snowflake, which is not fitting at all because she's entirely black. But she has  beautiful blue eyes, they're icy blue so it can be considered a little fitting.

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