49 Let The Year Commence

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It had been a week after Hermione's parents Hermione and I came back from Paris. It felt like the summer had flown by with all the excitement, I usually don't have that much fun in the summer. In the summer I usually am chained up at my wrists with weights attached to my ankles so I can't move more than merely shifting my position. Sometimes he makes me stand and my feet feel like rocks by the end of it. If I sit down my arms might dislocate, and the whole time I'm standing my arms are chained above my head. My arm feels like fire when that happens. I would probably be super strong if I was fed in the basement. Speaking of eating, I have been eating a lot more than I used to. I've gained weight and that's hard to look at but I know deep down I look prettiest when I'm not a skeleton look alike. Although my body wouldn't allow me to look a certain way I still had my ribs poking out and my arms looked like they were barely twigs. I started developing stretch marks on my stomach, I didn't know what they were at first so I asked Hermione she said they were beautiful and that I should be proud of them. So I believe her. My stomach is kinda flat but I have rolls on it when I sit a certain way. I've been owling with draco over the summer, since I was allowed to.

That brings me to now. I am currently sitting in a Hogwarts train cart with a snowflake sitting between my thighs and my stomach. My back was leaning on the wall of the compartment, near the window. And I was kind of curled up with my knees up, not extended out because Hermione was sitting next to me. Ron and Harry were there too but I didn't pay much mind. "You do realize you're not allowed to have more than one pet", Ron said as if he was doing something. "My owl doesn't even stay with me". Ron looks surprised "well where does she stay '',"HE stays in the owlery, he isn't outside much so he just hangs out. When he needs food he hunts for mice, small birds, or insects". I said not taking my eyes off snowflake. She was purring quietly laying on her back, fully extended out. I figured out that she has a white patch of fur on her lower abdomen. I like to call it her oo la la spot.  You can't even tell she has it because it's hidden. I was rubbing her tummy slowly with my nails, since I had been able to access self care in the summer. My nails were painted in Paris. Pretty soon Ron noticed our nose piercings, "wow why do you have those don't you know it's against the rules" he seid sassily. "Jeez Ron, didn't know you were worse than Hermione" I seid. "At least she can be fun" I seid with a smirk on my face. "No offense Hermione" I seid quickly. She smiled towards me. Harry snorted trying to keep his laughter contained. I mean I did just roast Ron although I don't know what's so funny. Ron just said "shut up Harry" in a pleading voice. I was very comfortable but I decided to move. "Hey Hermione, I'm going to go get a snack, does anyone want anything"? I asked. "Can I please have a chocolate frog?" harry asked, "I can pay you back." "Yeah I can get you that but you don't have to pay me back," I said with a soft smile. "May I please have some cauldron cakes?'' Hermione's voice rang out politely. Of course. "Ron want anything," I asked. Even if I didn't like him, I think it's rude to exclude him. "Umm a chocolate frog, thanks" he said with a red face from embarrassment, it could be because I was being kind after being rude but who knows. So I went to the cart and ordered our food. I got myself cauldron cakes. When I got back I gave everyone their orders and Hermione tried to give me her money but I declined. It's just a nice thing to do.

After a couple hours we soon arrived at Hogwarts, I had forgotten to change into my ropes so I quickly ran into my dorm. It's the same every year and plus I'm not a first year anymore so I'm not as required to be there for the opening ceremony. I got up to the dorm and changed into my ropes, I placed Snowflake down and she curled up into my bed sheets. I quickly ran to the dining hall, I don't know how but I somehow managed to get there right before the first years got in, McGonagall gave me a look before allowing me to go in. People were still being seated at their spots trying to figure out where to say it so I was right on time. I guess I really was speedy, also my dorms are by the kitchen which can't be far from the dining hall. I saw Neville and ran over to him. The Hufflepuff table doesn't really like me so I decided not to sit with them. We talked about our summers and pretty soon the school year started with the sorting hats song.

Voldemort's Hufflepuff Daughter (on hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن