𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐲

Start from the beginning

Y/N noticed as soon as Harry walked into the green room that he was tired. He hugged his close friends who were able to make it tonight before quickly hurrying over to Y/N and wrapping his arms around her.

"I want to go home." He whispers, a pout forming on his lips.

"What about the after party?" Y/N wonders.

"Please mommy." He whispers again, his fingers playing with each other as he shyly looks Y/N in the eye.

Y/N was shocked to see Harry's eyes slightly glazed over and flushed cheeks. He was clearly dropping into Subspace out of pure exhaustion and he really needed comfort.

"Baby," Y/N cupped his face in her hands and pressed a kiss to his sweaty forehead, "At least stay for half an hour - Jeff spent ages organising this for you, it'd be wrong not to show up."

Harry knew she was right but he was also too exhausted to care, he just wanted to be held by his mommy.

"Please mommy." He almost whines but still making sure to keep his voice down.

"Don't be bratty baby." Y/N says, "I promise, thirty minutes and mommy will give you as much love as you want when we get home."

Harry nods his head and spends another ten minutes in the green room with his head resting on Y/N's shoulder as everyone else discussed amongst themselves how well the first night went.

"Come on baby, let's get you dressed for the party." Y/N kissed the top of his head as it continued to rest on his shoulder.

"But only thirty minutes?" He pouted, rubbing his eye with his fist.

"Only thirty minutes my love." Y/N smiled.

Harry held onto Y/N's pinky as she led them through the crowd of people to the dressing room where his outfit was currently hung up on one of the clothing rails.

Y/N helped Harry get dressed, doing up the buttons on his shirt and placing kisses to his skin so he knew that he was cared for in his safe space.

The party was loud and there a little over forty people who had made their way down to the small venue Jeff had rented out for the remainder of the night.

Harry hated loud sounds when he was tired and Y/N knew that so her eyes scanned the room for a more secluded spot where she could spend the next thirty minutes comforting Harry.

She eventually found a little area for her and Harry to sit that was away from much of the people. Harry held Y/N's hand tightly under the table as she whispered sweet nothings into his ear so that he knew he was safe.

"Has it been thirty minutes yet?" Harry looked around anxiously.

"Baby boy, it only been ten minutes. Another twenty and I promise we'll leave, you're doing so good baby, I'm so proud of you." She says and Harry face picks up at her words - he loved it when she was proud of him.

By the time thirty minutes had passed, Harry was pulling on Y/N's sleeve and begging for them to go home. Y/N kept her promise and walked over to Jeff, "Hey, Harry's feeling tired so I'm going to take him home."

"Are you sure? The nights still young." Jeff attempted to get them both to stay but he didn't put up much of a fight when he reminded himself it was important for Harry to stay in top shape so they could carry out the rest of the tour.

Y/N led Harry to her black range rover and opened the door for him, "Pass me your seatbelt baby." She kissed his pouty lips and buckled him into the passenger seat. She ran her fingers through his knotted, curly hair and held his face in her hands, "Think you can stay awake for me? Don't want you to be too subby when you fall asleep."

I need him H.S ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now