Last time Jimin, Tae and JK came over Hobi was also here and the four of them helped my grandpa finish building Jun's new bed. Well Tae and Jk helped. Hobi and Jimin just told stories and pretended they were helping. Hobi who has kept me very busy outside and inside the bedroom has paid for all the hospital bills against my will. The day I found out we had our first fight, if thats what you can call it. I think it was just a one way fight because I did all the talking and he just shrugged and told me "You don't tell me what to do, its the other way around princess". Those were his only words on that subject. I promised I would pay him back every cent but he just stared me down with his dominant eyes but this time he is not winning. I am going to pay him back even if it kills me. Aside from him paying all the bills he has been calling my mom every day to check on her and has made sure she doesn't want for anything. Her meals have been covered and she even had a driver on stand by if she ever wanted to go anywhere. That was Tae's idea and Hobi was the one who took care of everything. My family just like me are overwhelmed by all this and we just cant understand how amazing they all are. Now that there are only minutes left before dad is home I can't help but hope that he will also love my friends as much as I do. I am really hoping he will be thankful and can look past the fact that they are the most famous people in Korea.

I do the last sweep of the house before dad gets here and I notice Jun sitting on the floor of the kitchen playing with his trucks. I walk up to him ready to scold him for ruining his new outfit that I bought specially for today.  But when I approach him I give up anger melting away with his beautiful smile. I cant help but smile down at him and fix his shorts as his face lights up with the excitement of today.

"They are here" I hear my grandma say from the living room and I grab Jun from the floor and carry him close as excitement reaches its peak.

"Welcome home son" Grandpa says opening the door for my mom and dad who follow behind him. It has only been 24 hours since the last time I saw my dad but he looks different. His smile reaches his eyes and he looks as handsome as ever. I look at my mom and she matches my dad's smile and years have fallen off of her.

"Appa" Jun exclaims while he tries to get out of my arms and I rush to my dad's open arms so we can both hug him.

"Welcome home Appa" I say into his shoulder while I hold my tears from falling.

"My babies, I have missed you so much" My dad's words are full of truth and remorse and he kisses both of our foreheads. The kiss is long and it feels like he has been waiting for this moment.

"We miss you appa" Jun Jun hugs his neck almost to the point of chocking him.

"Kids let your dad breathe" Mom says doing her best to pull Jun away as gentle as possible but she is met with Jun's hesitation to let go.

"No, no let him stay. I want you all as close to me as possible" Dad's says smiling between my mom and Jun. "Its has been a long time since we have been together like this. All in the same room and I want to talk to each of you individually" My dad continues as his gaze roams around my grandparents and I. "I want to show you all that I have changed and that I am ready to work hard at fixing our relationships" I can hear his voice crack as he continues but I don't try to interrupt him. The rest of the room is quiet and I assume my grandparents feel the same way. We have been waiting for this moment for so long and its finally happening. He is finally ready to fight and I know we are all ready to support him.

"Son there is nothing you need to fix. We all love you very much and are very happy you are home with us" My grandma says and just like my dad her voice seems to crack with each word.

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