"Time is up, you dogs. Put your pens down obediently, and pass your answer sheets forward." Crewel announced as the students started passing their sheets.

Quiinn, who is passing her sheets to Ace, said, "Ouch, professor Crewel, that hurt me deeply. Am I that bad?"

"The dog part does not imply to you, Quiinn, my most favourite student. You're a puppy." He pat your head as the boys glare at him with annoyed look.

"That concludes all of the written exams for this class."


"Sit! It’s still too early to celebrate. All the bad boys that will get failing marks will be taking remedial classes over Christmas break. I will whip you into shape, so be ready. Class dismissed." He shoo the students and leave Quiinn a peck before heading out of the classroom.

Ace hug Quiinn and pouted. "Tch, what's wrong with that guy? Anyway, It’s finally over!"

"I did all that I could. All that’s left is to wait for the results." Deuce says with a smile as the four walked out of the classroom together.

"Ahaha! A test like this’s a piece of cake for me!" Grim said confidently.

"Confident now, are we?" Quiinn said with a smirk.

"Huh? You guys seem confident even though you normally make such defeated faces after a test~" Ace says, still clinging on Quiinn.

"Hehe! I’m a bit different from the past me already, yanno. Be prepared to ask me for help with your studying next time! I’ll be waiting to hear “What a genius you are, Grim”, yanno!" Grim crossed his arms and puffed his chest.

Quiinn only roll her eyes.

"Sorry, but I am pretty confident this time. I’ll be taking that glory for myself."

"Pretty rich hearing that from the same dude who cried his eyes out because he barely passed. Well, I’m pretty confident too, so I ain’t losin’." Ace declared to the three.

"Y'all really did your best huh?" Quiinn wear a proud smile.

"Pretty much~♪ Studying’s easy~♪A genius like me can afford to take it easy unlike you, yanno!" Ace and Grim said in sync.

Quiinn pat the boys head but she can feel something is amiss.

"That's great but if I caught you cheating....." Quiinn smile creepily and crack her knuckles, which send shiver down their spine. "I'll beat you."

The boys nodded simultaneously.

"That's better. N e ways, It's the end of the school. Me and Grim have nothing better to do so we'll head back." Quiinn said and picked up the black cat next to her.

Deuce nodded. "Alright, so I might as well head to the track-and-field club."

"I’m gonna play basketball and exercise ‘til I drop. Alright, see you all later then." Ace says as he turned around with a wave. Deuce follow him from behind.

Grim then yawn and Quiinn cradle him in her arms. "Let's go now, Quiinn. I'm tired and sleepy."


Quiinn [Twisted Wonderland X FEM!OC!]Where stories live. Discover now