Chapter 35: Sugary Jitters

Start from the beginning

"Mr. Erie, you did really well up there." Professor Royce's voice made Robin turn from the flirty conversation behind them.

"Thank you," he replied, not quite knowing how to take the compliment. "I did my best, I guess..." Robin looked down to hide the blush rising on his cheeks.

A nudge of a shoulder against his made Robin look up again. "You did awesome, cutie," Tyler reassured, quickly turning into Robin's biggest cheerleader. If given a pair of pom-poms he would probably soon be performing acrobatics while chanting Robin's name.

The professor nodded in agreeance. "I knew I was right in recommending you for the scholarship," he said, before turning his attention toward the boy by Robin's side. "Mr. Caster, glad to see you're well. I trust that your tutor here will help you catch up once you're back in school."

"My boyfriend will help me catch up," Tyler emphasized, making sugary jitters cascade throughout Robin's whole body. How he'd missed that word being uttered by Tyler's irresistible lips. "He's super smart."

"Of course, your boyfriend. I didn't want to assume." Professor Royce had probably figured out their intimate relationship from the pet-naming and slightly inappropriate touching during class. "And I agree that he is very smart. Unfortunately, I'm not the one deciding on the scholarship, but I would say he got a good chance at least." The man looked around, mischievously. "Don't tell anyone I said that though..."

"Are you saying things you shouldn't again, darling?" A man with dark hair that was turning silver around the temples walked up to Professor Royce, putting a hand affectionately on his shoulder.

"When have I ever done that before, Alejandro?" The burly man protested.

"Well, I recall that one time at the wine bar..."

"You don't need to tell my students about that..." The professor put an arm around the other man's waist. "Robin and Tyler, this is my husband, Alejandro. Who should probably shut up right about now."

Alejandro did a zipping motion across his mouth.

"I didn't know you... were married." Robin looked at the two men, so normal and comfortable in their marital bliss. Being sheltered from the world, he'd never known any gay adults while growing up, so it was all new to him. New and aspirational.

"Well, professors can be... married too you know." Professor Royce laughed lightly.

Alejandro's jovial expression turned more serious as he looked toward Robin. "Was that your mom leaving before?" he asked.

Robin nodded in reply, squeezing Tyler's hand harder. The mere mention of his mother made him fear that his boyfriend would be taken away from him.

"I see..." Alejandro sighed. "I know a few things about disapproving mothers. I was hoping kids these days had it easier."

"She's... hard to deal with," Robin mumbled, not wanting to give away too much. Although perhaps his presentation already had.

Professor Royce slid his hand into his husband's grip. "We need to get going I'm afraid. But I will let you know as soon as a decision is made, Robin. And I'm rooting for you."

Robin's gaze followed the two men as they walked down the aisle hand in hand. Maybe that could be him one day. Maybe that could be him and Tyler in twenty or thirty years.

He leaned closer to his boyfriend, longing for a safe haven. The anxiety over his mother's threats and the nerve-wracking presentation made it feel like every nerve in his body still was on high alert. Sensing what Robin needed, Tyler unlocked their hands and instead put both his arms around Robin, rocking him back and forth while resting his chin on Robin's shoulder. While people poured out of the auditorium, they remained entangled and enamored with each other.

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