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Today we follow the gang as they headed off to Cinnabar Island where will earn her next gym badge and so that ash, Alain and Brock can have their fossils revived by the scientists.

And right now, ash is in the middle of an important battle.

"Rhyhorn I choose you!" The Hiker called his horn Pokémon.

ash was about to called out her Pokémon when, a Pokéball from her pocket shook and released her seed Pokémon on the field.

"Bulbasaur!" The Pokémon said.

"Eh, Bulbasaur?" ash questioned.

"Bulbasaur just came out." Mairin said, holding Rafa in her arms.

"Seems like Bulbasaur wants to battle." Brock said.

Alain notice the something was odd about Bulbasaur.

"Bulba Bulbasaur. (I wanna battle.)" Bulbasaur said to his trainer.

ash blinked and nodded, she notice her Bulbasaur was odd and the aura was, Oh. "Okay." She nodded.

"Rhyhorn, Take Down!" The Hiker ordered.

Rhyhorn charged at the seed Pokémon who stood there looking calm, despite the charging Pokémon.

"Use Razor Leaf to stop it in its tracks!" ash commanded.

"Bulbasaur!" Bulbasaur sent leaves from its bulb towards the horn Pokémon, stopping it in its tracks.

"Now use Energy Ball!" Bulbasaur gathered the energy and it form a greenish spark orb before launching it at Rhyhorn who was still shaking from the Razor Leaf.

"Rhyhorn dodge it!" The Hiker ordered.

Rhyhorn didn't hear the order and the Energy Ball slammed into the horn Pokémon directly and it fainted from the attack.

The Hiker returned his fainted Pokémon and complimented on ash and her Pokémon before leaving.

"Nice work Bulbasaur." ash looked at her seed Pokémon and then gasped. "Bulbasaur!"

ash's Bulbasaur was on the ground and his bulb was glowing blue.

"What's wrong with Bulbasaur?" Mairin asked.

Alain looks at it closely, "This is..." He trailed off, "We need to get him to the Pokémon Centre."

"Is there one nearby?" Takato asked the breeder who was looking at the map.

Brock nodded, "Yes. It's not far."

Alain picks up Bulbasaur for ash, "Let's go."

ash looks at Bulbasaur worriedly as they ran to the Pokémon Centre.

---- [Break Scene] ----

When they arrived Nurse Joy immediately took Bulbasaur to have him examined.

ash bit her lip worriedly, 'I hope Bulbasaur is okay.' She thought.

Alain notice ash expression and hugged her from behind, comforting her, "ash, Bulbasaur is fine and if my theory is correct about Bulbasaur then it's good news from Nurse Joy." He explained.

"Huh?" Brock, Takato and Mairin said.

ash was about to say something when Nurse Joy came out of the room.

"Nurse Joy, is my Bulbasaur going to be okay?" ash asked.

Nurse Joy smiles, "There is no need to worry about Bulbasaur. He is just fine." She said, relaxing ash and the others, "I must tell you though that your Bulbasaur is getting ready to evolve."

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