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ash pov --------

"lets see there is a river nearby" ash walk off the direction of the river stream and when she reach the stream  she pulled out a fishing rod

''come on out feebas and mew" ash said 

"fee'' "meew" they cried their names

"lets catch some Pokémon, ok? . And mew I know you love to play and roam, so go on but don't go too far ok?" said ash, they nodded their heads 

after few minutes-------

ash saw that she caught something "ah , I caught something and its heavy" ash yelp and pulled it hard "magi magikarrrr" "ooo I caught two magikarp and one of them is golden, alright feebas bubblebeam" said ash and feebas did "now magikarps are weak go pokeball" said ash 

wiggle......... wiggle......... wiggle......... ding!

magikarps were caught

ash cheered "sweet we caught two magikarps"

after some walking ----------------

"pidgeoooo" a Pokémon cried was heard

"huh" ash looked up into the sky as a shadow flew down

"pidgeoo" the brown-bird like Pokémon landed infront of ash

ash blinked "pidgeotto, you've been watch me, huh" ask ash

"pidgeottto" cried pidgeotto noddingly




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