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mairin began yawning and stretching his arms aboveher head, "So where are exactly?" she questioned.

"Hmmm, according to the PokéNav where headed to Mt. Moon, where we'll pass to get to the next city." ash said.

"Mt. Moon? That sounds romantic." Mairin said dreamily.

 "Don't you think so ash nee?"mairin ask

ash sweat dropped, romantic stuff isn't really her thing, "Sorry Mairin but I'm not really a romantic understanding person." She said, "So your asking the wrong person."

"I heard of that place." Brock said, "People say that a long time ago a meteor crashed into that mountain."

"Really?" Mairin asked, "Is that true?"

"I'm not sure," Brock answered, "but the meteor is called the Moonstone."

"What's a Moonstone?"

"It's an evolutionary stone." Alain spoke up.

"You two know about it?" Brock questioned.

Alain nodded.

"Yeah, it let's Clefairy evolve into Clefable, Jigglypuff evolved into Wigglytuff, Nidorina into Nidoqueen, Nidorino into Nidoking, Skitty into Delcatty and Munna into Musharna." ash answered and explained.

"It's impressive how much you know about Pokémon." Brock complimented.

"Thanks, but I only know it thanks to hanging out at Professor Oak."ash said.

"You, Alain?"

"My grandpa, Professor Sycamore in the Kalos region." Alain replied.

Brock nodded.


Just then a scream was heard in the distance.

"What was that?" mairin gasped.

"It sounds like someone is in trouble." Brock said, "We better get it out."

They all ran to the source of the screaming, a man was being attacked by, a bunch of blue bat-like Pokémon.

"What in the- Zubat? In broad daylight?" ash questioned and scanned the Pokémon.

[Zubat, the Bat Pokémon. It checks its surroundings and location using reflections of ultrasonic waves from its mouth. Zubat live in caves and hate to fly outside in daylight.]

"If they hate daylight then why are they outside?" mairin asked.

"Who knows but first,pikachu, Thunder Shock them."ash said.


Lightning launched an electric attack and electricity made all the wild Zubat leave in a real hurry.

"You alright?" Mairin asked.

Brock helped the unknown man up and he launched at the indigo/black haired girl with a death hug.

"Wha-?" ash gasped in shock and surprised.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you!!" The man repeated

Alain twitched at bit.

"Pikaaa..." pikachu yelped, "Chuuuu!!!" She shock the unknown man.

"AHAHHHHH!" The man fell to the ground.

ash was able to get out of the electric attack by Alain who grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the range.

ash sighs and smiled at Alain, "Thanks."

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