Origami Swans

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I expect all of you to have a flashback as you read the chapter name ಠ◡ಠ.

Draco smirked as the boy turned to him at the call of his name, and he slowly placed his paper swan on his open palm, softly blowing it towards him. He turned back to face his Godfather and moved his left arm slowly, as if really in pain.

Blaise glanced at Pansy next to himself, they were both seated behind their bestfriend, and wasn't at all surprised to find the similar smug look on her face.

"He's not subtle at all".

"I know right".


Harry caught the swan, blinking his eyes as the first thing that came into his mind was if the other boy had just made it right now, or if it was a very impressive piece of magic, and then he groaned along with the many others in the Potions classroom as Snape concluded himself, "But Professor, we have Quidditch tomorrow and-".

He gasped and pulled his face away as the Slytherin Head of House leaned over menacingly to sneer down at him, "Then you really hope there are no injuries, Potter. Loss of limb will not guarantee you an exemption from homework. Page 394".

As the greasy haired man backed away, he blinked and looked towards Hermione, who shook her head and rolled her eyes at him. Then he glanced at Ron, who was struggling to find that page number in his DADA textbook.

And at that moment, he glanced down at the swan again with a heavy heart, opening the beautiful bird to find himself sighing. It was a drawing, of himself and Malfoy, the Slytherin laughing uncontrollably as a lightning charm struck the Gryffindor.

He folded the paper, turned towards Malfoy to find him sneering at him again, raising his eyebrows at him and then smirking.

Heat pooled into his stomach at that look, and he felt his face go red. He turned back to glare down at his textbook as Severus Snape drawled on about Werewolves.


Draco smiled to himself as another origami swan of his stood gracefully on his palm, and he used his wand to transport it to Potter's desk, making sure it landed right in front of his pouting face.

This time, he had drawn him falling off his broom, and himself still laughing in the back.

Honestly, sometimes his reactions were so cute he couldn't control himself from teasing him like that.

But when Potter merely huffed, took the swan and pocketed the paper bird, he felt his ears burning. He whipped his wand towards another paper square in his bag, making another drawing of him in his Second year, his broom moving like a bull out of control and drew himself as guffawing on the pitch.

This time again, he got the same reactions, that boy didn't even glance at him. He tried again, with a different drawing. Of him being kicked by that chicken of Hagrid's. But to no avail.

And right there, his fragile Malfoy ego, which he had somehow got from his Father, was hurt. And he was determined to get Harry's attention by the end of this class.


But Harry had patience as huge as Draco's ego, because he had learnt how to ignore the Dursleys for almost twelve years, and didn't even acknowledge him the whole fucking day.

"How dare he!", Draco exclaimed at Blaise and Pansy, who were feeling their ears buzzing from his very much normal 'Potter Rant'. They were both in his personal dorm after Dinner, privilege of coming from a rich family, and were staring knowingly at each other as he continued talking.

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