࿏ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 43 ࿏

Start from the beginning

They were pretty sure the trigger happy teen wanted to kill her and no one was going to stop him; not even Foolish. If anything, they all encouraged it.

On a better note, Ranboo seemed a lot more confident about themself and didn't second guess themself as much which was a nice change. Techno claimed he saw the boy leave the property the night Tommy and Tubbo went to the museum and when he came back he was a lot happier. It was a good chance of pace for them and Wil was happy for them.

Wilbur's phone buzzed on the sink in front of him. He groaned as he ignored it and trained his brown eyes onto what Fundy was doing to his hair. He had no idea if it would look good but you only live once and in this line of work; there was no guarantee you came home. It was a risky line of work but the brunette didn't care as much because he was happy and enjoyed the adrenaline rush.

His phone buzzed again, another groan escaping his lips as Fundy looked over his shoulder, Wil's curls still in his hand as he ran bleach through them. The orange-haired boy huffed and shook his head.

"Unknown caller"

"Probably a scammer."

"I'll silence it when I take these gloves off in a sec." The younger said quietly, tongue between his teeth and sticking out from behind his lips in focus. Wilbur hummed in acknowledgement and the two fell into a small conversation— something they hadn't done in a while and it was nice.


"Are you fucking serious?!" Wilbur screamed into his phone, his family looked up from their spot on their lounge. There wasn't enough time for them to even acknowledge the white streak of hair in the brunette's hair as he yelled again. Except he didn't seem only angry but also fearful. "You've kept this from me?! Why the fuck would you do tha— Oh! Fuck you!— You're a bitch, Sally. I hope you know that— No! I am his father! YOU called ME you cannot— You're a bitch. I'm gonna find him. I want to meet my son." He hung up.

Wil sighed into his hands, his father getting up from the lounge and walking over. Tommy and Techno watched from their spots, the blonde too scared to speak up and Techno wasn't cut out for these types of situations. Phil was on his own for this one.

The older blonde opened his arms and pulled his middle child in, the brunette instantly taking in the warmth. He wasn't crying but his breathing was shaky and uneven, which already told Phil all he needed to know about the situation. He pushed off slightly, resting a gentle hand on Wilbur's right cheek, the boy melting into the touch.

"I have a son" his voice was barely above a whisper, only his father hearing what he said. A lone tear fell down Wil's cheeks, the leader of the cartel wiping it away with his thumb. Guilt hit the brunette like a wave. The fact he's had a son for nearly six years and he never knew was horrible.

Why did his ex-girlfriend never tell him she was pregnant? Sally clearly still had his number and his dropping out had nothing to do with this. It wasn't even known he was public enemy number one until he was nineteen so she had no excuses. He'll admit; he did love Sally and they were together for at least a year when she started showing signs of hating the time he spent with Tommy. He knew it was over at that moment because no one stood between him and his baby brother.

"I didn't even know, dad" Wil's voice was shaky. Tommy and Techno were now standing behind their father, the brunette didn't even see them move. Fuck, he was that out of it. "I just want to meet him. He probably thinks I abandoned him-"

"We'll find him, okay?" Tommy piped up, his body language screamed that he was uncomfortable. I mean, turns out he was an uncle and that was a weird thought for the seventeen-year-old.

"You loved her didn't you?" The pinkette asked. It wasn't out of spite or held any ill-intentions but one of curiosity. Wilbur nodded. Techno's face scrunched up slightly, and that's when Wil knew he was going to ask that question. "Then why did he leave her?"

"I... had my... reasons"

"But you loved her?"

"Have you ever even felt love, Technoblade?" Wilbur retorted, his mood once fearful to angry. It was hypocritical for him to talk about love when the man had never even had a crush on anyone.

"Wilbur" Techno looked at his twin dead in the eyes as he spoke, his voice stating its usual monotone. "I am literally aromantic and asexual— what the fuck do you want from me?"

"What?" Wil was taken aback. He never knew this about his own brother?

"I didn't tell you? Oops," the pinkette shrugged.

"Techno's sexuality aside," Phil interrupted. "Tommy's right. We will find him so you can meet him, okay? I'd be damned if I never meet my grandson"

"You're not even mad?"

"Why? Because you didn't know you impregnated your girlfriend at the time and then left her before she told you and then she withheld that information from you?" Their father smiled softly. "It wasn't your choice to leave your son but we'll change that, okay?"

The drug dealer nodded, his father taking a step back and walking back over to the lounge to continue his show. The youngest and oldest of his children walked behind him as Wilbur fiddled with his phone and turned to his bedroom door.

"Nice hair!" Tommy yelled with an admirable smile that made Wilbur melt. The middle child smiled at his brother and mouthed 'Thank you' as he opened his door and headed inside. Shortly after closing the door, all he heard was:

"No Tommy, you're not dying your hair"


Wilbur laughed to himself as he plopped himself onto his bed and curled up under his blankets. He closed his eyes and let sleep take him as he tried to calm down from the eventful day.


Words: 1,699

Felt like updating 🤷‍♀️

New story soon, final chapters being written now. Probs my longest chapters yet but will be updated every two weeks or so (because the chapters are long that means there's less of them)

I also another flower husbands one shot in the works and attempting an origins one (that isn't going too well due to motivation)

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