Taehyung: "I had many but i fired all of them. From now on you will be doing all house chores did you understand babygirl??" He smirked.

Jeun: "I-i how can i do all the household works alone in this entire huge mansion? Isn't that so much? "

Taehyung: "I dont care. You have wasted time. Hurry up cook the lunch i am coming after freshing up from upstairs and i need it served on the table after that."

I just sighed and went to the kitchen which was visible to me from the living room knowing that there is no use of arguement with him. I don't even know how will i stay here. I guess i will have a miserable life here and my pretty small house with my beloved family was better than this mansion. I miss my family even from now.

The kitchen was so big. I looked here and there and searched ingredients to make something. Anyhow i got some so i prepared the lunch before he comes down. I was putting the dishes on the dinning table when he came downstairs after taking bath and changing clothes. His hair were still wet. And i swear he was looking hot huhh why am i talking like this jeun focus on your work. But he was damn hot i swear in those wet hair and comfy clothes.

Taehyung: "Is lunch ready?"

Jeun: "Yes it is."

He came and sat down on the chair. I also sat on one of the chairs. He tasted it. I don't know why but he had tears in his eyes. But he suddenly wiped them with the back of his hands. I guess he doesn't want me to see them. I asked him nevertheless.

Jeun: "Taehyung are you okay? Did i cook that bad?"

Taehyung: "No it just... Its taste is just the one like my mom used to cook."

I felt pity for him. I also sometimes miss my mom and dad so badly. I don't know where are his parents. I didn't see anyone here who seems to be his family member. All people were like guards and workers etc.

I asked him: "Where is your mother??" I somehow kept some concern in my eyes. He suddenly changed his face to a cold one.

Taehyung: "That is none of your concern."

I kept quiet and started eating. I was feeling so weird. After everything that happened my appetite was nowhere to be seen. I just stood up and picked up my plate to put that into the dishwasher. He was still eating. When i stood up, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me on his lap. My eyes widened.

Jeun: "W-what -"

Taehyung: "Why did you stand up? Don't you wanna eat babygirl?"

I am so done with his pervert type behaviours. I decided to show some rage maybe he stops his flirt.

Taehyung: "Feed me babygirl."

Jeun: "Shut up and leave me. Eat your food i don't wanna eat."

Taehyung: "You shut up otherwise i will taste everything in your mouth myself." He asked in his deep husky voice making shivers run down to my spine.

He made a cold face to make me scared i guess but then smirked again. He is a man of his words so i just unwantedly made a bite and put near his mouth making a disgusted face. He took it and tried to bite my finger also. Huhh this man i can't understand what he wants. He behaves flirty and on the other second he behaves cold. I was about to make another bite for him but he held my hand and kept it on the side. He then made a bite himself. I became confused.

           He took the bite of food in his hand near my mouth. I looked around and didn't open my mouth. By the way i am also enough stubborn for him to handle. He again smirked. Wtf now??

Taehyung: "I guess you don't wanna taste it. You want me to taste your mouth.." He now smirked more widely.

Jeun: "No no i-"

Taehyung: "Don't worry babygirl i don't have any problem to fulfil your wish." He leaned close to my face. I guess i hence know the reason of his wide evil smirk. But i immediately let out of my mouth the words which came in my mind:

Jeun: "No no i will eat the food."

Taehyung: "Good girl."

I sighed. Then i ate the bite he made and we continued this action turn by turn till the food in the plate was finished. I was still sitting on his lap. I guess he loves to tease me because he knows i am not that type of girl. He tenderly kissed my cheek because my face still close to his and said:

"I enjoyed so much. We will continue next time."
There was a smirk on his face but i guess it was actually a genuine smile. I unknowingly blushed by his sudden cute action.

         It was night time almost. He was in his office which is also present in his house doing his work on laptop. I was wondering and exploring in the house the entire day. There were many beautiful and wide rooms in his house and i also loved the decoration pieces. I wonder he has a good taste.

           He wasn't bothering me. He just asked me to make tea for him and doing his work continuously with focus. He is a gentle man but he likes to behave like a pervert and enormously enjoyes to tease me. But i literally didn't have anything to do. The day ended like this and i drifted to sleep in a separate room while he slept in his main one. I don't know he will marry me or not because he was almost in a good mood today.

End of chapter.

Thank you so much for reading the chapter. I know it was a little bit boring. I will try to add some spice in the new chapters. But as my exams are started, i am unable to even think of some good ideas and as well as writing is also difficult. I wonder why every writer has exams when she thinks of some good idea in story. Anyhow i hope you like it.😩💜

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