Chapter 53

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Talk about mixed signals. One minute she wanted to be with him, the next she pushed him away. Though, he wasn't complaining, since tonight was one where she wanted to he with him. She was sitting next to him on the piano bench, wearing his pajamas. God, that was hot. He was having trouble focusing on the song he was playing, his gaze and thoughts constantly wandering to the raven haired girl next to him. She had her eyes closed, as if every note he played had some hidden meaning, and it was her job to find it. She didn't notice when his fingers slipped and hit the wrong key, thankfully. After years of constant piano practice, he should be able to play it in his sleep. Something about her was throwing him off, making him focus on other things. Like how perfect she looked in his shirt. As if it had been made for her to wear it. He finished the song, quickly pulling his hands away from the piano. He had screwed up so many of those notes.

"That was beautiful."

Was it? He leaned against her, closing his eyes. She still smelled like strawberries, probably her shampoo. His heart swelled painfully, and a small chuckle escaped him.

"I love you so much it hurts."
"I know the feeling."

She mumbled, and he frowned. Of course she did. She had loved Adrien so long, and it must have hurt so much when he always said she was a good friend. It must have hurt when he overlooked her, he knew because he went through that with Ladybug. If only he had known back then.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice."

He whispered, and felt her fingers run through his hair.

"Stop apologizing for that."
"If I could make it up to you, I would. In a heartbeat."
"I know."

Her hand stilled, and he could hear something different in her tone.

"Adrien... do you think we could...?"

He shifted, pulling away to look at her. Her cheeks were crimson, and she was staring down at the piano keys, not looking at him.


She glanced at him, and she looked like she was in pain. Whatever it was, she didn't want to say it.

"One more time? As Marinette, and Adrien."

He knew what she meant. She was asking about sex. Which of course, he loved. It was the small part about 'one more time' that bothered him. Why only one more time? He could argue. He could ask for an explanation, he could tell her no. But why would he? Since the beginning of their arrangement he had wanted it to be Adrien and Marinette, instead of Chat. He had never wanted a last time though. Hearing her say it made his heart hurt.

"If I say no, it's no forever. Isn't it?"

He asked, dreading her answer. She looked down at his shirt, as if she could see his heart through the fabric.

"That all depends on you Chatton. Forever is a long time. Alot can happen during forever."

How was it up to him, when she was the one driving a wedge between them? He brushed it off, he could never hope to understand her. Not completely. He straddled the bench, leaned forward and kissed her, his face flaring at the touch. This felt different. Was it because she knew who he was? Or because he no longer could hide in the dark, or behind a mask? Not that he wanted to. He wanted her to know it was him. To know that the person that loved her, that kissed away all her pain those nights, the person who had been at her side for all these years, was him. Adrien. Not the model, and not the cat. Just, Adrien. She kissed him as if it was their last night on earth, and he prayed that if it was, he would be in her heaven. Wishful thinking, he knew. But what was a man to do?

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