Chapter 24

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He could not believe how far she had gotten. She was almost to the area the acuma had been in. If he had looked around, maybe he would have seen her wandering. Thank god for the Grants of the world. She was all over the place. She'd go from laughing to crying in seconds flat. He pulled up outside of the bakery, and she looked at him, whispering.

"Do you think we can sneak in my window?"

Maybe Chat could have. But not Adrien.

"That's like three stories up, and you're barely mobile. I think we'll stick to the front door."
"But my parents live there."

She whined, and he squeezed her hand.

"It's okay. Just try to be quiet."

He got out, and walked around to her side. She gave him the cutest lopsided grin he had ever seen when he opened the door, and he reached in unbuckling her seatbelt.

"I don't wanna go."
"You have to."

He wrapped his arms around her and drug her out of the car, pressing her against it so he could close the door.

"You're warm."
"And hot."

He smiled and shook his head, putting her arm over his shoulder and wrapping his around her waist.

"I need you to walk with me."

He moved forward, and she groaned the second he got her moving.

"I don't... I'm gonna get sick."

She whimpered, and he stopped, holding her a little tighter. She was pretty much dead weight at this point. She started leaning, and he had to struggle to keep them both from tipping over.

"You're fine Mari. Let's just get inside."
"You wanna come inside?"

She giggled, and it took him a minute to realize what she meant. God, liquor completely destroyed her filter.

"Very funny."

He pushed forward again, and finally reached the door. He pushed on it, but it was locked.

"In my pocket."

He sighed, and patted the front of her jeans, his hand hitting something hard in her right one.

"Can you get it out?"
"Can I just sleep in your car?"

He groaned, his arm was starting to ache. He reached in her pocket, and her giggle made his face red.

"Stop it."

He grabbed the keys and pulled them out, trying to find the one for the door.


He glanced at her, before grabbing the pink one and trying it on the door.

"Oh, my bad."

He rolled his eyes, trying a different key.

"You're just prolonging the inevitable. Which key is it?"

She mumbled, and he tried it. Thank god, it actually worked. He pushed open the door and drug her inside. The bell on the door chimed, and they both froze as the door swung shut behind them. He had completely forgotten about that damn bell.

"It's dark."

She whispered, and he squinted, making out the counter. She leaned again, and he had to lean away from her to keep them from falling over. The light flicked on, and he closed his eyes at the sudden brightness. Marinette gasped beside him, and he felt her turn around in his arms.

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