Chapter 41

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She started to reach for Chloe, when Adrien stood up between them.

"Mari, sit down."

She looked up at him, his expression was like stone. She never understood how he could defend such an awful person.

"Someone needs to teach her a lesson."
"Bold of you to assume that someone gets to be you."

Chloe's voice whined behind him, and she wanted to jump over him to murder her. She was so sick of her crap.

"Move aside prince charming. The damsel isn't in distress. Yet."

He cringed when she referred to Chloe being the damsel, and he put his hands on her shoulders, sending heat rushing through her. Did he do that on purpose?

"Sit down Mari. Please."
"Yeah, sit."

She clenched her jaw, starting to try to back pedal, she could just walk around the desk. That bitch had it coming. Adrien tightened his grip, and she glared at him.

"Why do you always defend her?"
"Aww, she sounds jealous."
"Stop it Chloe."

He snapped over his shoulder, and Marinette imagined she was giving him a pitiful look. He turned his gaze back to Marinette, sighing.

"Please, let's just get through the project."

He ran his hands down her arms, stopping at her elbows. For a moment she thought he was going to hug her, but he didn't. He released her, looking away from her. What was that about? She sat down, and he followed suit, running a hand through his hair. For a model, she was suprised he had gotten in to that habit.

"Good girl."
"God damnit Chloe!"

He snapped, and Marinette shoved the table forward, throwing herself across Adrien. She managed to get a hold on Chloe's shirt, and she felt Adrien grab her waist, trying to yank her away.

"Get off me you hobo!"

Chloe shrieked, trying to pry off Marinette's hand. Adrien tried to stand with her, but Marinette refused to let go. She had put up with Chloe's crap for years. It was finally time to get even.

"Marinette let go!"

He shouted, but his words meant nothing to her. Chloe had to pay. She felt someone else grab her, and with Adrien's help they managed to free Chloe from her grip, but not before Marinette tore the seam on her designer jacket.

"I'm calling Daddy! My outfit costs more than your life! I'll have that horrible little bakery shut down! I'll make sure you're thrown on the streets!"

She screamed, and Marinette struggled to get away from the two people holding her. Alya stepped in front of her, trying to get her to calm down. Fat chance. Chloe deserved this.

"Let go!"

Marinette shouted, and Adrien held her tighter.


Grant stepped up between the two, looking pissed.

"You're acting like a bunch of children!"

Marinette stopped struggling, glaring up at him. This was literally his fault, he put her in their group on purpose.

"Marinette, come outside with me. Now."

Adrien let go of her, and she fixed her shirt, stomping down the row after Grant. He yanked open the door and she brushed past him, stopping just outside of the door. He closed the door, turning to look at her. He was silent for a moment, before he broke out in laughter. The bastard.

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