Chapter 27

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She paced the length of the rooftop, starting to get annoyed. Where was Chat? He must've gotten the text too. The location was at an abandoned warehouse, and she had been waiting for him before checking it out. He landed behind her, throwing up some gravel as he did.

"Morning my lady."

She glanced back at him, ignoring the urge to run her fingers through his disheveled hair. He still looked sleepy.

"You're late."
"I had to do a few things first. Have you checked it out?"
"Nope, was waiting on you."

He grinned, and her stomach came to life with those damn butterflies.

"So what's the plan?"
"We're gonna walk through the front door."

He gave her a funny look, and she shrugged.

"If they wanted to trap us, they probably would have attacked while we were civilians."

He nodded, and they both descended to the parking lot below. The place was pretty run down, which would make it the perfect meeting spot. She pulled open one of the doors, and they walked in. It was surprisingly cool in there, despite it looking like it had no power. Extension cords streched across the ground, and they followed them down a long hallway.

"This feels like a horror movie, no?"
"Be quiet kitty."

She whispered, and he sighed. It was hard, trying to act how she normally did with him. Professional. He opened the door at the end of the hall, and gestured.

"After you."

She felt her face warm, and quickly walked past him. The room they stepped into was much colder, and she could hear an air conditioner running. Ahead of them were a few desks pushed together, with several monitors on top of them. All of the screens were off, and someone cleared their throat above them. They both turned, her hand already on her yo-yo, and his baton already off his belt.

"Relax. I'm not going to hurt you."

Marinette felt her stomach drop, staring up at the figure on the second floor. He was leaning against the banister, a cigarette between his fingers.


They both asked in unison, Marinette turned to him, and they both unanimously agreed not to ask how the other knew him. So that bastard hadn't just been a kind stranger. He had probably been stalking her.

"Before we get on with this, I have to say, you two are by far the most entertaining superheroes I've caught."

He began making his way down the stairs, a trail of smoke following him as he did.

"It actually took me a little bit to realize that you two still don't know who the other is, and it makes for an interesting watch."

She glanced over at Chat, who thankfully seemed confused.

"What do you want?"

She snapped, before Grant could give any more away.

"And you. Showing up to fight an acuma drunk? That was probably the stupidest shit I've ever seen."

She flinched, and Chat slammed his baton on the ground, his glare fixated on Grant.

"Get to the point."

Grant seemed a little disappointed with Chat's attitude, but he quickly changed targets.

"Why are you getting so defensive? Don't you have a girlfriend?"

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