Chapter 14

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He wondered when it had changed. Had he done something that made her act like that? She never had before. Had it been when he saved her? Or when he yelled at her? Or was it because he apologized? None of it made sense. It was like he had unlocked a new level of friendship with Marinette. He had no idea what to call it, but it was fun. Her face was priceless when he stepped in with Chloe. He was really looking forward to her retaliation. He was back in math class, staring at his phone. As much fun as that was, he was distracted. She still hadn't texted Chat. He didn't regret interrupting her earlier, because it had opened up this whole new side of her he had never seen. But, it almost felt like she had forgotten about Chat. He sighed, sending her a text.

"Hey princess, how's your day going?"

He felt weird about it. He had been upset when he left last night, and he kind of wanted to forget about it. Her last rule had bothered him. No, he wasn't in love with her. But he was really starting to like her. She occupied his thoughts more than Ladybug ever had, and that worried him. If she strictly wanted to keep their arrangement 'professional' he needed to get ahold of himself. But what was he supposed to do? Her plan was working, and he didn't want to stop. Maybe it was making him like her, but that wasn't so bad, right? It would be better than Ladybug. He wouldn't have to worry about who Marinette really was, because she would tell him.

"I'm at war."

His phone lit up, and he grinned.

"At war?"
"A war of wits if you will. I need some advice. How do you embarrass a guy?"

He almost laughed out loud, but he didn't. No way in hell was he giving her any freebies. She'd have to win fair and square.

"Oh no. You're not dragging me into this."
"You're on his side aren't you?"

Her response was immediate, and he tried to wipe the smile off of his face.

"I'm on the winning side."
"So mine?"

He loved that confidence. It really suited her. He paused for a moment, trying to think of something to say, when she sent another text.

"Are we okay kitty?"

He looked up, he had finished his work, so he knew the teacher wouldn't get onto him for having his phone out. What was he supposed to say? No, because I can't promise I won't fall in love? Or should he just lie? Little white lies were okay. But he didn't want to lie to her.

"If it's about the rules, we can talk about it."

He sighed, typing back a reply.

"It's about the rules."
"What don't you like about them?"
"The last one obviously. How the hell do you expect me to just shut my feelings off? You should know how hard-"

He shook his head, deleting all of it. He didn't want to snap. Marinette's rules had logic to them, so they probably made sense to her.

"I already like you, or I wouldn't be in the arrangement to begin with. How am I supposed to promise not to fall in love with you? It's not a choice."

He sent it, hoping it didn't sound harsh, as well as hoping she didn't decide to activate rule one, and terminate.

"I like you too Chat. And I don't know. I just don't want us to end up in the same boat we were in before."
"Love isn't always like that Marinette. Sometimes you get lucky, and the person you love, ends up loving you back."

Who the hell had screwed her up so much, that she expected it to always happen like that?

"Okay. Let's take off that rule then, since it bothers you so. And if one of us does end up falling in love, we'll terminate the agreement. Okay?"

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