Chapter 49

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"So, how long will your father be gone?"
"I honestly don't know. I'm not usually in the loop about things like that."

Sabine reached across the table and patted his hand, offering him a smile.

"Well, you can come over for dinner anytime you like. Isn't that right Marinette?"
"Of course."

She said through clenched teeth, and he smiled at her. His plan was working well enough. She had actually looked at him unprompted, and some of her smiles were actually genuine. He knew there was some part of Marinette that still loved him. So he was going to bring that part back to the surface, no matter what it took.

"I heard you have a fashion shoot coming up, that must be exciting right?"

He had almost forgotten.

"Oh, yeah totally."

As he spoke his hand strayed from his lap, touching Marinette's thigh. He felt her tense, and he started tracing his fingers over the fabric, barely pressing down.

"Maybe sometime you could model some of Marinette's designs."

She hissed in warning, and he slid his hand further up her thigh, confused as to why she hadn't stopped him yet.

"Actually I would love that. Marinette is really good at what she does."
"You should see her prom dress."

Marinette's face fell at her mother's comment, and he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh that's right. You told me it was Chat Noir themed right?"

Her mother seemed to backpedal, her smile slipping.

"I forgot honey. Are you going to change it?"

So she had told them she dumped Chat. Marinette shrugged, grabbing Adrien's hand when it strayed too far. He flipped his hand over, gently stroking the underside of her palm with his fingers.

"I don't have time. It's almost finished anyway."

She murmered, staring down at her plate. Her cheeks were flushed, and he wondered if it was from his hand, or the fact that they were talking about Chat. The table settled into silence, and it unnerved him. He had enough silence at home. He didn't want that here.

"Are we still on for prom?"

He whispered, but nothing would get past her parents.

"You asked her to prom?"

He wanted to clarify that at the time, he had asked her as a friend, for her sake, but he couldn't bring himself to utter the words.

"I guess so."

She sounded so depressed.

"When did you ask her?"

He couldn't remember the exact day, and it wasn't a newsworthy promposal. He had literally just asked her in his car, and handed her flowers. Because she was dating Chat at the time.

"Just a couple of days ago. It wasn't anything big."

Sabine was glancing between the two, and he could see hurt in her eyes. Marinette hadn't told her about prom, and he shouldn't have mentioned it. Fabulous. Maybe he really was the root of all of the tense silences at his house.

"We're going as friends."

Marinette said flatly, and he stopped moving for a moment, that uncomfortable feeling in his chest returning in full force. He hated that word.

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