Chapter 26

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~Warning. This chapter contains a sexual encounter and is only for mature audiences. You have been warned.~


He stood as relaxed as he could manage for the photographer, who insisted he was too tense. Of course he was. All he could think about was Marinette, and how she had lied. She had told her boyfriend, that she was with her boyfriend last night. What a load of bullshit. He knew there wasn't anyone else, because of the way she paled when he claimed kitty had called. But still. What was she hiding? What happened last night that she didn't want to tell him?

"Sit down. And smile. You look like you're brooding."

He sat down on the bench, trying to focus on the photographer, and not his lying girlfriend. But how could he? It was different. Marinette didn't lie to him. This wasn't like she told a little fib to keep him from worrying about her. This was something else entirely. He forced a smile, and the photographer rolled his eyes, snapping pictures anyway. At least this was the last thing he had to do today. He could go visit her as Chat, and maybe she would tell him. She said she had loved him last night. Maybe she would tell him the truth. He smiled a little at that, and heard the photographer gasp.

"There, yes hold that thought. Inspired! Beautiful!"

He wanted to roll his eyes, but he did as asked. Marinette loved him. She had said so herself. She was his, and there was nothing to worry about. She wouldn't cheat. He knew that, so why was he so worried?

* * * * *

He opened the skylight, gently lowering down onto her bed. She was curled up in the blankets, and he quietly shifted and laid next to her. She stirred a little, and he closed his eyes. Chat wasn't going to interrogate her. If she was lying, she probably had a reason for it. He just had to get over it. Adrien on the other hand, was going to find out what she was hiding. He wrapped his arm around her, burying his face in her hair.


He smiled at how sleepy she sounded, and she rolled over facing him. She smiled, and scooted closer, kissing him on the cheek.

"I missed you."
"Its only been a day since I last saw you princess."

She sighed, wrapping an arm around him and pressing into his chest.

"It felt like forever ago. Can you take off the suit?"

He looked around the room, the light was still on, and he didnt want to get up to turn it off.

"Not with the light on."

He looked around, to see if there was anything else, and his eyes landed on a scarf draped over the railing. He grabbed it and sat up, looking down at her.

"You like blindfolds?"

She shrugged, and he pulled her into a sitting position, gently tying it around her eyes.

"Hmm. Can you see me?"
"How many fingers am I holding up?"

She layed back down, sighing.

"Oh? Lucky guess?"
"It was. I really can't see anything."

He grinned, leaning over her.

"I know. I didn't hold any fingers up. Plagg, claws in."

With a flash of green Plagg was floating next to them, and he smirked at Adrien.

"Getting kinky huh?"

Adrien snapped, and he heard Marinette giggle softly. Plagg flew off, and he turned his attention back to Marinette.

Black Butterflies & Blurred LinesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant