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I'm 18 now. It's already been two months since I attained this age. Yet the pain I felt these past two years keeps intensifying. Every passing day is a new level of pain for me to explore. His love for her peaked new heights for me to implore and be fascinated by. I couldn't help but question myself.

“Is my love even compared to the one that he has for her? Nope! Definitely not.” The way he looked in her eyes, hugged her, each thing was observant unwillingly by my eyes. At times when I wanted to quit this suffering I mourned and yelled at myself that all I felt was infatuation. It's better to move on from him.

But then again a single glance from him and that's all it needed for me to break down again. Remind myself to stop feeding on lies. Accept I've sinned miserably. Falling in love with a man that can never be mine. Why did I think of him as my mate? I should have held myself back for my mate.

Mate? This very word is keeping me sane. Maybe he'll accept me? Or he won't. Who would even desire a heart broken girl who's still madly in love with someone's love as their love. I don't even know if there is a mate out there made specially for me.

The night sky looked so beautiful that it could enchant anyone in its charm. Mesmerize any being urging them to follow the moon's bright light. The moon had scars which people rarely were aware of. My existence was a carbon picture of the moon. I felt ugly in spite of being pretty.

The scars of my unrequited love were well hidden, perfectly masked behind my cold facade and beauty. “Guess I'll just wait. Wait until this feeling kills me and saves my mate before he discovers my existence.”

Darkness had become my passion. People feared me in the kingdom. Why wouldn't they? I was infamous for being the 'Dark Princess.' Who embraced dark powers though I never knew what they were. Perhaps me being alive was the dark repulsive force they were referring to?

I don't know anything. Neither am I keen on knowing. All I desire is a peaceful sleep, that doesn't drown me in a fatal state only to remind me he's not mine in the form of nightmares. Such were my dreams. I was scared to sleep.

Most of the times I had hoped death engulfed me rather than this painful death I was living with every day. But who am I kidding with? Vampires are the living dead themselves. Death is what we preach. And me being a royal blood doesn't help any better either.


Waking up I felt different today. A painful difference. Just like the warning of a storm my veins gushed in nervousness. “Good Morning” Jin greets me happily. “Jin, can I have it again?” Sitting down on the chair in the Royal dining table I ask him. My face was blank.

He was shocked but handed me a glass. Instantly I chuck the red fluid down my throat. Some droplets lingered on the corner of my lips. Blood. It was blood that I was drinking.

Never had I been a fan of consuming this. But circumstances changed me hence leading me to absorb it as a drug to ease my pain. The very first drop of this inhuman drink was tasted by me on the day I found out he had a mate.

Running back home I saw Jin pacing worriedly in my room. I hugged him wailing on how he can never be mine. Jin was more than enraged. Wanting to break their bond. He had the power after all but I stopped him,  like every other time he raged to go suck his blood out for hurting me.

That very day he suggested that I drink blood. I hated to be a blood sucking predator but the pain inside me forced me to consume it. That day I became a complete Vampire. A blood sucking monster indeed.

Hence, starting then I consumed blood whenever I felt at the end of my life. To save myself from the tormenting pain surfacing every artery and vein of my heart. Gushing my nerves in a weak link of lava like a burning sensation. Making me bruised and pathetic.

His Mysterious Beta✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ