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A few days into his sudden appearance in the land of Evildea and all that Jimin has seen in the eyes of the citizens more like vicious Vampires is fear. The minute sight of Jin's shadow was more than enough to creep fear in their souls and heart. What actually was Jin?

Sure he was the strongest Vampire out there. But to realm such an enormous amount of fear in the hearts of netizens didn't settle well with Jimin. He was the total opposite; he loved his people a lot. Though they feared him yet a sense of relief and happiness rendered in their hearts whenever they came across him.

Were all the Vampire rulers this ruthless and cruel? Much to his surprise Jin allowed him to roam freely around the palace. As if he was his most treasured guest. Today he decided to explore the library to find secrets behind the Kings of Evildea. Jimin felt something was odd with Jin. But couldn't pinpoint at what actually was it.

“The 7th King of Evildea was the sweetest King to ever exist, but that changed the day a Werewolf entered his Kingdom. No one knew what this creature brought along with him. He was a kind and pure soul. The King adored him as well.”

“Things went well but a tragedy occurred resulting in the bond breaking. And Evildea to be cursed. The curse started from 'His 7th Highness.' And shall end with the future princess taking up rebirth as a pure Vampire princess. After mating with her love.” 

A frustrated groan enveloped the walls of the empty library. “Why the hell haven't they mentioned anything about the curse? It's all so fucked up. What did that Wolf even do? That these people have hid it so well.”

Jimin thought about asking the people around him regarding this curse. But he knew better than anyone they wouldn't spill. Hence, giving up on the thoughts of recruiting secrets from the Vampire hosts. .

Jin's brain worked hollower than the spiral surrounding the milky way. Every moment of his life he spent being all conscious and alert. Jimin never failed to remind himself these are the hidden jewel, guileful Vampire siblings.

If a brother can take up the pain to stay 15 years away from his sister, to fulfill her desire to be a complete Vampire. Planning each and every of their moves out. Then there was no space left for him to be spared of his vengeance.

Jin's hate towards the werewolves was worse compared to the previous rulers of Evildea. They were more on the friendly side. Some even helped his kind out, forgetting the curse that the wolf had put on their generation.

“Alpha Park” , a maid, stood in front of him bowing at Jimin. “His Highness wants your presence at the Royal dinner.” Bowing at him for a final time she walks away. “Oh yeah, the Royal dinner, I totally forgot about it.” Jimin placed the book back on the shelf making a mental note of its title and the place it was held safely in among the huge wooden racks.

Last night Jin had personally invited Jimin to attend this dinner. It was a celebration for the crown Princess to finally return. The Princess did finally return back but on what prize?

Betrayal, mind games and faking identity. These things were the key elements involved in the princess revoking back to her Vampire existence. A pure full blooded Vampire. The only difference here was she tricked her love more like the guy assumed he was her love.

Jimin chuckled at his own thoughts. Heading to the Royal dining room. There sat Jin in all his glory wearing a Dark black suit. A bow tie embroidering his look matching perfectly with his cold deadly aura.

A shiver ran down Jimin's spine acknowledging how strong this deceiving Vampire was

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A shiver ran down Jimin's spine acknowledging how strong this deceiving Vampire was. In a snap of his finger he could destroy Jimin and their entire existence. But he chose to not and instead gave him utmost kindness and love. Treated him with generosity and looked after his needs.

His fangs were visible smiling at his sister. “Finally you're here. Everyone please welcome Park Jimin. A new addition to our prestigious family dinner today. The reason why the princess is back with us.” Smirking at Jimin he licks his lips. Asking him to come forward and take his seat.

Jimin sat down on the seat opposite to Taehyung who was his usual cheery self. “Let's give a toast to the Future Queen of Evildea Kim Y/N the 21st Her Highness to be.” Raising a red fluid in the air he stood up. Jimin mimicked their actions not knowing what the liquid actually was.

The thought of it being blood churned his  insides making him mentally gag and puke. As though on cue Jin read his thoughts. He offered a glass to him  “Don't worry it ain't blood rather crushed pomegranate mixed with fresh apple juice.”

“My beloved sister here still hasn't gotten used to our kind completely.”  Jimin smelled the juice confirming Jin's words. Finally smiling at him. A toast of applause was presented in your name. Sitting back down on their chairs. He saw you sitting to the left of Jin with Yoongi on the opposite side. Offering to cut your steak instead.

“Yoongi, you're such a Husband material. I'm sure my sister shall be happy binding with you in the nuptial bond in future.” Yoongi grinned at Jimin's direction listening to Jin's praise. Placing his lips on your knuckles gently. “Anything for my queen.”

Plating the neatly cut steak back on your plate he played along with Jin's actions. Jimin's veins boiled in hatred and a nerve wrecking edge to pull Yoongi away from you. But he had no right to do so. Since he had already rejected you.

You have every right to choose whoever you want as your mate now. Seeing the little crimson colour coat your cheeks his vision clouded. Never had he seen the red colour brew your skin because of him.

It always was him. Min Yoongi, a Vampire he disliked the most, had finally won over your heart. Oh! Wait, he always did have your heart. After all, the same kind exists and mates in their supernatural world. Jimin hated the feeling of being so vulnerable in front of his ex mate.

“I have an important announcement to make. At the end of this month. Y/N shall be crowned as the queen. The very same day she'll be marrying Yoongi. Once he's legally appointed as the General of the Kingdom of Evildea. I hope you show your loyalty and dedication towards the Kingdom and it's Royal entities Yoongi.”

Placing a hand on Yoongi's shoulder he smiled at him warmly. “Why does that Vampire never smile at me that way? Every time he does it's either a wicked smirk or a suspicious grin.”  Scoffing at Jin changing his colour like a chameleon, Jimin grumbled to himself.

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