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You stood nervously, trying to calm your breathing down. Caressing the bracelet in your hand you tried to stop yourself from any negative thoughts sauntering your mind. “You can do it Y/N, don't let those stupid wolves pull you down.

Looking on the other side you saw the higher rank Betas looking at you as if you were their meal ready to be devoured. A viciously dirty smirk plastered all their faces making you want to gag, and throw up at the nasty expressions they threw in your direction.

You know, you're really brave to be competing against three higher ranked betas, though you've just levelled up as a higher rank delta. Should have just waited until you turned a lower rank Beta.” One of them spoke.

He's right Y/N, maybe you could take a few tips from us. His friend sided him looking at you up and down licking his lips. Jimin watched the scene growling, not only were they disrespecting a female. But also going up the mark to disrespect her rank breaking a hierarchy of rules that he definitely wasn't ready to tolerate.

Looking at his side, he saw Yoongi having the same reaction. His fangs appeared. Though Yoongi didn't meddle with wolves, his aura scared everyone. An angry vampire, watching his beloved getting insulted due to mere wolves mocking his mate with the use of their rank didn't settle well with him.

All he wanted to do right at this very moment was to snap their necks and feed those wolves to rogues. Before either of the male's could react you spoke up. “Rather, then trying to show up your petty little asses eager to get laid. Why not get directly into action?

Are you really that scared of me? That you have to stoop so low, wanting to show your extra small PP and non-existent balls?” The senator burst into laughter. “That's some serious small PP energy radiating from your side right there you know.

Your words further agitated their anger and ego. “You-” one of them raised their hands about to beat but his wrist was held mid air. You twisted it, smiling innocently at him. “Yes, me? Got any problem with me?

Jimin applauded at the scene, having a good laugh. “Indeed a comeback that one can never expect from Y/N she never fails to surprise anyone. He watched your figure in action.

The hatred you held was clearly radiating. “Kick their shitty balls Y/N.” He heard Yoongi yell. Guards trying to hold him back. He signalled his guards to let him free. Remembering he won't do anything. Seeing the atmosphere growing thicker he decided to announce the fight.

Let the fight begin. Remember to play fairly, don't violate any terms. Last but not the least, all the best to Y/N, if you win this fight you'd be the first ever female Beta of our pack. Jimin smiled at you, throwing a deadly glare at the disrespectful males.

You bowed to him. He could tell it was genuine unlike other times, it wasn't out of obligation. “Thank you Alpha. The Betas scoffed standing in their positions. Changing into their wolves even before the whistle was announced.

But you stood still on your ground not changing. Jimin was confused. “What is she doing? Does she wanna get killed? He feared for you. Yoongi had the same question lingering in his mind.

Both glanced at each other, trying to reason out why weren't you changing. You saw a grey wolf run in your direction, you knew who he was. The same wolf who eyed you biting his lips.

Raising your hand a magnetic sort of energy radiated off your hand throwing him off to the other end. Everyone was shocked by your actions. “Is she a witch?

But the wolf was adamant about getting back on his feets, charging back towards you. His companions surrounding you as well. You smirked evilly. “Never mess with me, you chose this yourself.

Without giving them a chance to react you had shifted into your wolf. It was a majestic white wolf, hinted with brown on your fur. Jimin was shocked it was his first time seeing your wolf.

His wolf was restless, seeing this sight of him. You lunged at the wolf at the further right end of you, aiming directly at his neck digging your fangs in his neck hating the taste of his blood on your tongue.

Watching his body shiver and shake begging for mercy. One thing you surely learned in the battle ground was “lend no mercy to your enemy. Once an enemy, always an enemy. You never know when they might get back on their feet and stab you back.

Much to say, you weren't that heartless. Feeling him lose his consciousness you decided to let him go. The presence of another wolf, charging at your side, alerting you.

Throwing the half dead wolf on the ground you dodged his attacks before his fangs could plunge into your back. Definitely you wouldn't desire to get bitten by a pathetic horny wolf.

The two wolves surround you now. Making it difficult for you. “I'll have to shift back, but I can't risk these people seeing me naked. Seeing the limping wolf that you had injured earlier an idea popped up in your mind.

Charging towards his direction you waited for them to make a move. The other wolf once again tried aiming for your back. You quickly bent yourself.

Biting his leg instead. A painful yelp left his lips trying to free himself from you, the other wolf however wasn't ready to give up despite his injury. Seeing his friend whimpering he bit on your paw harshly.

You whimpered in pain, eyes turning a shade darker. “You did not just do that. An angry growl echoed in the stadium throwing both their figures hard towards the walls.

The sounds of their bones snapping was really pleasing to your ears. With your bloody paw you walked to them, stomping on his body. Though you were disgusted by his presence, you wanted to settle it right and fair with him.

You enjoy being a dick don't you? I'll let you be one forever. Your fangs dug in his leg harshly. Piercing through his bone, making sure it was deep enough and not easy to heal.

He yelled out crying begging you to leave but you weren't satisfied with it. People in the stadium watched you frighteningly. You had pulled down three wolves so easily with just a minor injury. “She surely is a witch.

They pondered on their thoughts, hating you not a hint of happiness on their faces. Rather, pity for the men. Seeing him lose his consciousness. A victorious smirk played on your lips. Blood dripping down your fangs.

Jimin stood up applauding along with Yoongi. Who was trying his level best not to break in the stadium, and hug you tight peppering your face with kisses. You looked around seeing them lying down.

Never think a girl is weak. I don't know about others, but I surely am not one among your so-called assumed weak girls.

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