"Okay, it's not even a date. Will you just come?" She asked plopping down beside me. "Alayah, thanks again, but no." I said. "God, Y/N. I don't know what happened between you and Mackie last night, but whatever it is will you just drop it." demanded Alayah. I sign rolling my eyes. "Layah, nothing happened last night. Will you just leave me alone." I said putting the laptop on the coffee table walking into the kitchen and Layah followed.

Ugh, will I ever catch a break?  "Look I know you hate prying, so I'm not even going to ask what's going on. But can you not be stuck up in this hotel our last couple of days down here. Boston is a beautiful city and I want you to site see with me before we leave. Please?" She pleaded dragging the please following me around the kitchen.

"Fine! I'll go with you, but if Anthony's there I'm leaving. Now, will you please leave me alone?" I asked closing the refrigerator. "Yes," She said running out of the kitchen going back into the main part of the suite. I sighed shaking my head, twisting the cap of the water bottle I walked back into the living room, seeing her typing away on her phone.

She's probably texting Chris or her manager about something. "What time is Chris coming?" I asked sitting down beside her. "He's not he's meeting us." She said still looking down at her phone, that's not like him, but whatever. "What time are we leaving?" "In few hours. He's at his parent's place." Layah said, I nodded standing up from the couch going into the bedroom. Going to the closet to find something nice to wear.

Even though I don't know where we're going, I still want to look nice. Even though I feel like this is a setup to get me to see Anthony, it's not like Alayah to invite me on a date with her, especially a date with Chris. Going through the clothes I brought at the boardwalk. Once I found something I walked back into the bedroom hanging it on the garment stand.

Some time had passed before we started to get ready. Layah finally broke down and told me that it was a setup to get me to start talking to Anthony. I hadn't talked to the man for about ten hours max, she and Chris had made this genius plan to get us back together again.  I finished doing my make and started working on my hair when Layah came into the bathroom. She was already dressed and waiting on me.

"You look cute." said Layah leaning against the bathroom door frame.  "Thank you." I thanked struggling to do my hair. The red dye had faded months ago and I didn't have the chance to dye it back before leaving. "Here, let me help." Layah said walking over to me with a chair for me to sit down. It's always a struggle for me to do my hair. "You want it up or down?" She asked taking some moisturizer and applying it to my hair before grabbing the detangling brush.

"It doesn't matter

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"It doesn't matter." I said jumping my shoulder.  "Down it is ." She said running her fingers through my curls. Styling it letting some of fall on my shoulders. It didn't take her long, she was finished in no time.  I thanked her for standing from the chair taking it back in the bedroom.

"Okay, we have ten minutes to get to the place

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"Okay, we have ten minutes to get to the place. Chris and Mackie are already there so we need to head out." She said, I nodded walking out of the room, making sure I had my purse and the car keys. "You have the room key?" I asked as we walked to the door. "Yeah, it's right here." said Layha showing me the key, before locking the hotel up.

We walked down to the elevator stepping on. She pressed the first floor button and we waited for the doors to close. I hope things go right tonight.



I drove us to the restaurant, I finally had given to go, but it took much convincing to come.  "You think they like this?" asked Chris pushing his hands in his pocket. "Yea, they loved boating when we're younger and a dinner on the water will be right up their alley." I said nodding.  "You nervous?" Chris question looking at me. "No, the mack man doesn't get nervous." I laughed, shaking my head.

"You?" I asked. "Ahh, just a little." He said jumping his shoulders, as we shared another laugh. "Don't worry about it man, you got this. Sistas loves a man that's in control." I said patting his back. "Ahh, advice from the mack man himself." Chris laughed, has the girls pulled into one of the parking spots. Mack Man? Ha. I may have lied to him, I've been having a on Y/N  crush since we were little, I know stuff about her that nobody else knows, but one thing I know about her, she hates when someone pries in her life.

 I may have lied to him, I've been having a on Y/N  crush since we were little, I know stuff about her that nobody else knows, but one thing I know about her, she hates when someone pries in her life

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I don't regret anything that happened last night, I just didn't expect her to react that way. "You coming Mack?" question Chris and I nodded following him over to the car.  Alayah stepped out and spoke, hugging Chris before walking over to the boat.  I took a deep breath before stepping to the driver's door and opening it, waiting for her to step out. "Before you say anything I want to apologize for snapping at you last night." She said closing the door. 

"Y/N," I started, "Wait, I know what you're going to say, you don't have to apologize. It was very rude of me, you were only concerned and I shouldn't have acted that way. " She said, finally looking at me. "Will you stop apologizing, and let's join Chris and Alayah." I said taking her hand in mine and walking over to join them.

"Yacht date? Fancy." She asked as we walked up the gangway. "Yeah, courtesy of Chris and Alayah. Apparently, they were planning this all night." I replied as Chris talked to the receptionist about or reservations. "Of course they did." She said laughing. After a few minutes, we were walking past the dining area going towards a private area.  Chris and Alayah took one side while Y/N and I took the other. It had the perfect view of the city from the window. I pulled out Y/N's chair as the yacht began to set sail.

"Thank you." She thanked me smiling softly. My heart stopped instantly it's like whatever happened last night was instantly forgotten about. She's so gorgeous under the soft lights in her, her skin is soft like silk,  smooth like butter. The skirt hugged her body and all the right places. I couldn't stay mad at her long. All was forgotten and forgiven."You're welcome." I smiled sitting down across from her.


"Thank you," Y/N thank the waitress as they sat the food in front of us. The night had gone by some smoothly, before dinner she and I had I chilled on the top deck of the yacht looking at the night sky. The way the moon illuminated her body, the moonlight bounced off her face and natural hair, to the way she gazed at the stars.  Pointing out her favorite to me.  She didn't even have to tell me. I always knew it was Sirius or Evangeline as she calls it. I  wouldn't dare tell her any differently.

"Anthony you zoned out again." said Y/N sipping some of the wine.  "Sorry just thinking," I apologized. "Listen about last night," She started, but I cut her off. "Look, you don't have to keep apologizing understand it's something personal and I shouldn't have tried to push my way in." I said, and she nodded. We finished our dinner-making small talk here and there. Alayah and Chris had ran off to the dance floor on the second floor, probably at the bar. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Mackie, your friends sent us." A young man said coming inside with a band. I looked over at Y/N and her eyes let up as they started to play 'All My Life'. So that's why those instruments are down here. I watched as her face lit up. I pushed the chair back standing up walking up to her holding out my hand, she looked at me smiling.

"May I have this dance?" I asked, redemption from the party back in Dallas. "Yes, you may." She said taking my hand and standing up.  I walked us to the middle of the room placing my hands on the lower part of her back. She put her arms around my neck, laying her head on my chest. God, she smells amazing.  This is nice, I think I'm falling for her harder than I expected to.

Note to self thank Chris and Alayah for this later.

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