"Booty so big... Lord have Mercy." She sang, I rolled my eyes I sat down back on the couch taking my phone out of my purse. "You know it's fat." laughed Lay sitting down again. "What time are Chris and Mackie coming again?" I asked going to read a book on my phone.

"They should be on their way now." Layah said and as if on queue her phone went off with a message. She picked up her phone and opening. "That's Chris they're coming down the hallway." said Layah. I nodded making sure I had everything in my purse before we left.

I grabbed Anthony's gift from beside the couch as a knock came on the door. "Okay, how do I look?" Alayah asked. "You look beautiful. Me?" I asked, looking at her. "You look beautiful as well." She said as another knock came on the door. "We probably should get that." She said and I nodded as we walked over to the door.

Chris and I waited outside of their hotel room. I knocked again before we heard shuffling on the other side. I'm not going to lie this is the first time I'm seeing her since our first date and that's been a little over four weeks ago.

When the door finally opened she and Alayah stepped out. "Hey y'all."  They greeted with smiles on their faces. I couldn't take my eyes off Y/N, it's like every time I see her there's something more and different in a good way though. Chris elbow me taking me out of the trance I was in.

"Aren't you going to speak?" Chris asked holding his arm out for Alayah to take. "Oh yeah sorry. Hey y'all." I spoke with a wave. "Hi, this is for you." Y/N said holding out a gift bag, smiled taking it before replying. "Thank you, should we catch up with Chris and Layah." I said holding my arm out for her to take. Once she did we followed behind them to go to the elevator.

I sat in the back seat with Y/N as Chris drove us to The Friendly Toast Restaurant

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I sat in the back seat with Y/N as Chris drove us to The Friendly Toast Restaurant. "Y/N, Mackie tells me that's your the best real estate agent around." said Chris. "I wouldn't say best, but I'm good at what I do. Is that the only thing he's told you?" She asked looking at me.

"No, he also told me to call you Spankie instead." Y/N eyes shifted from Chris' in the rearview mirror to mine as Alayah laughed. "You told him about Spankie?" asked Y/N. "I didn't tell him the reason." I said jumping my shoulders. "Wait there's a reason?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, but she never tells anyone about it." Alayah said. "It can be that bad." said Chris pulling into the parking lot. "It's not, just embarrassing." She said taking off the seat belt, I stepped out of the car and walking around to the passenger side. "I'll tell you about it later." I said to him as we both walked opened the doors.

"No you won't." stated Y/N as I took her hand. "I won't." I told him as we walked inside, but I'm definitely going to tell him. I pulled out Y/N's seat once we made it to the table then sat down across from her. "I hope you like your gift, I didn't know what to get you." She said as we got our menus.

We thanked the waiter before I spoke, "I love it, I can't believe you remember I like to fish." I said looking at her from behind the menu. "Why wouldn't I, you always talked about. Hopefully, get the chance to use them before it gets cold." She said. "Maybe I can get you on the water with me?" I suggested.

"Maybe," said Y/N smiling showing her dimples. She gonna have me wrapped around her fingers in no time.

After breakfast, Chris drove us to the Gillette stadium. We've been here for about two and a half hours now and it's now in halftime. The boys had ran off to get themselves more beer while Layah and I stayed back. "You and Jamal look good together. He seems like he really likes you." I said now sitting where Chris once did. I hope so because I'm really feeling him. What about you and Mack Attack y'all seem to be getting closer." She said before eating popcorn.

Took some popcorn from before replying, "Yeah, it's like we keep in touch all those years we were apart." I dusted my hands from the salt once I had eaten the popcorn. "You think he's going to make it official anytime soon?" Layah asked. "I'm not sure, we've only been on a few dates." I said, taking my phone from my purse.

"You better not be doing anything related to work right now." "Not work related at all, just checking up on somethings." I said, it was most definitely work related, Erin had messaged me about somethings going on in the office. "You're a terrible liar. Give me this." Layah said taking my phone. "Hey," "No, this is a mini vacation. That means no work. Sit back and enjoy your time here and until you do, this willl be with me." She said putting my phone in her purse.

"Thanks Ma." I said sarcastically focusing on the halftime performance. "You'll thank me later." She said jumping her shoulders, from the corner of my eyes I could see her take out her phone and unlock it. "Umm miss girl." I said looking at her. "Not work related just checking the time." She said. "Sorry it took us so long, we brough back drinks." Anthony said giving me the drink. I thanked him taking it as I moved from Chris' seat.

Halftime had just ended and they are nowing going around with the the drone showing people in the stadium. I watched the teleprompter and smiled as it showed an older couple. It show made it's way over to us, I smiled and waved. "Did I tell you that you looked beautiful today." Mackie said bringing before drinking some of the beer. "Thank you." The heat rushed to my cheeks good thing I had on blushed.

"You're blushing." said Layah leaning over. "Don't pick, I see Chris got you tripping over words." I smirked as the games started back up in the fourth quarter.

Mackie and Chris argued the all the way back to the hotel, Layah and I sat in the contemplated if we should jump out on the highway. The Saints won 28 to the Patriots 13 and Chris swore up and down that the game was brought and it started from that. Once we made it to the hotel they walked us to our room and told us to be ready by six, great they went back an hour.

After I had took off my makeup and had a shower I had a nap, I woke up to my alarm going off. Once I got dressed and Layah did my hair, I helped her with her makeup. After we were done we sat in the living area of the suite waiting for the guys. "Girl we're trending again." Layah said scrolling on her phone. "Naw, not again." I said taking my phone from purse and unlock my phone going to Twitter.

"You think they going to put two and two together?" I asked scrolling reading some of the tweets. "I think they already have. Not to mention this cute pictures they have us, being cute together." She said showing me some of the pictures. I shook my head smiling. After reading some more tweets I logged out of Twitter going to the messages to checking in with Erin.

As I sent the message, I received one from Mackie.

Mack Attack:

We're on our way in 5


Okay see you when you get here.

I pressed the sleep/wake button and the put the phone in my purse. "Mackie and Chris on they way." I said getting up to check my outfit in the mirror. "Great, are we taking separate cars?" Layah asked standing beside me. "Yeah, I want some alone time with Mackie." I said. "Ooo, alone time, what are y'all gonna do?" asked Layah. "Nothing at all you freak." I said taking my Apple watch from the charge and putting it on.

I walked back into the living room of the suite as a knock came on the door. "Lay the guys are here." I said walking over to the door and opening it. "Hey y'all." I said stepping a side to let them in. "Hey," They spoke stepping inside , I closed the door walking in behind them going over to the sofa to get my Chanel purse.

"You look beautiful as always." said Mackie pulling me into a hug. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around is waist. 'He smells so damn good. Calm down Y/N/N and say thank you.' I thought. "Thank you, you look handsome as well." I said pulling away. "So where do y'all want to eat?" Layah asked holding Chris' hand. "How do y'all feel about pizza?" Mackie question as we walked out of the hotel room.

"I can go out for pizza." I said as we stepped on the elevator. "Great, because I know this amazing pizza place. " Chris said as Mack took my hand in his. I smiled at him before looking over at Layah. 'Jackpot' She mouthed to me and I winked. We most definitely hit the Jackpot.

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