The first time I believed

Start from the beginning

"I was at airport". I replied

"Why are you there? You went to see them off?" He asked me sounding furious.

"Yes, I went to see off my friends". I said trying to stay calm but he made it very difficult for me.

"Hala, I am telling you for the first and last time that I don't like them so please try to stay away from them". He told me in a ultimate voice.

"I am sorry Osama but they are my very good friend and I just can't leave them like this. Give me one valid reason". I told him

"Isn't it good enough for you that your husband don't like them?" He shouted and I was dumbfounded by his behaviour. He was such a nice person when I met him. He talked to me so nicely and now he was shouting at me just after a day after our engagement.

"First of all, you are not my husband and secondly, no its not enough for me. Get it clear". I told him clearly trying to control my voice and I cut the call.

I spent the whole week in bed, the fever was not going anywhere. I was lazily laying on my bed when my phone started to ring. Osama was calling me. He was getting really annoying. He was a sick person who started showing his true colors. I really wasn't in the mood to pick up his call but then he would call amma or baba. Right now, I wasn't in the mood so I ignored his call.

6 months later

The past six months had been the worst months of my life. Osama had left no stone unturned to make me feel like an idiot. I had never felt so bad about myself and now my patience had started ending. I had kept everything to myself but not anymore. I didn't know what I was going to do but one thing was for sure, I would not spend my life with such a toxic person like him.

Osama's family was pressurizing for the marriage but I was not sure about it. I wanted to meet him and sort all the misunderstandings between us. When I met him for the first time, he was a nice person, my father knew his family and they all liked him. I found no reason to say no even after going out with him for many times. He proved me so wrong. He wanted to meet me so I went to a posh restuarant of Lahore which was famous for its Middle Eastern and Turkish cousines.

I entered the restuarant and Osama was already sitting there. I passed him a smile but he kept looking at me, expressionless.

"Our families has decided something?" It was a statement but sounded more like a question and I know what he was referring to.

"Yeah! You family has been pressurizing for a long time now". I told him the truth and he looked at me, twitching his brows together.

"Excuse me?"

"Excused!" I was not in the mood to tolerate his mood swings.

"I know why you misbehave with me. You want to marry Hussein but you really have to? Because the little lovey dovey dirty games you have been playing with him is not enough for you? But remember Miss Hala end everything with him now, you will not be able to enjoy them anymore". I instantly went red. That bastard how dare he talk about my character.

I got up and slapped him hard with all my might without taking into account that we were sitting in a public place. I removed the engagement ring and threw it on his face.

"You. Are. Sick. Get some assistance for your mental problems. Bipolar Idiot". I picked my handbag and went to the parking lot. I took deep breaths to calm myself. I went home and locked myself in the room.

I came out of my room in the evening. The atmosphere of lounge seemed tense. I looked at my parents and they looked so sad.

"What happened Amma?" I asked my mother holding her hands.

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