"I hope you like it."

He knew that there was a huge amount of fear behind that fake smile. I bowed a little and was about to leave because he was our customer and i couldn't misbehave with him there or i could loose my job. He came near me again. This time he held my cheeks with his one hand tightly squeezing my jaw. I was scared now what is going to happen at my workplace. Doesn't he have any shame or brain?

Looking deep into my eyes with his dark ones, he again coldly stated:

Taehyung: "What will you do to pay me back my debt. You only have seven days??" He frowned a little making a questioning face.

Jeun: "Leave me."

He ignored that.
Taehyung: "Either pay the debt or... (He smirked) be my wife." My eyes widened.

Jeun: "Are you mental? It is my workplace. Leave me."

I was also furious. Is it a joke? Why will i be his wife wtf?? And moreover, it was my workplace and if i did anything misbehaving boss will definitely fire me. I moved backwards escaping from his grip. I guess he didn't like that I claimed him mental because he was having an angry type face. Anyhow i don't care he was the one who behaved stupid.

Taehyung: "No one can order me. And guess what Lee Jeun, very soon you won't even be able to request me for leaving you. So be ready for that situation. I will also take my revenge for the slap you gave me i'm just waiting for the right time."

He formed a smirk saying this childish stuff. He is so proud of himself. I know I have debt to pay him but I have self respect too he can't touch me without my permission. But then he again had dark eyes and his lips formed a straight line showing that he is furious now. He looked at our boss.

Taehyung: "Your cafe is not even satisfying. The waitress is so ill-mannered and I didn't even like the coffee. Such a piece of trash."

He insulted us and left. Wtf? He didn't even had a single sip of coffee and claimed that it doesn't taste good? And moreover, he is the one who is ill-mannered. I hate him. He wants boss to fire me for sure.

Boss: "Lee Jeun!! Why did you misbehave with our customer. I will cut your salary. This is my cafe and you are a waitress what do you think of yourself? You stupid girl!!!"

Jeun: "And boss what do you think of yourself? I am waitress so what that doesn't mean anyone can come and disrespect me." I thought. Because definitely I couldn't say it in front of her.

I just stayed silent and started to work. It was evening now. I planned today morning that I will go to taehyung and talk to him. But I didn't even know where he lives. I have no idea what to do. I even missed the chance when he came to the cafe. I could have asked his address or else but no Lee Jeun always thinks about her ego nothing else. Stupid Jeun. I was thinking of some idea and then suddenly my phone rang. It was an unknown number.

???: "Missed me baby?"
I became shocked. It was taehyung. He called me? Anyhow i gathered some strength because i don't know why but whenever he comes near me or talk to me i become confused.

Jeun: "I want to meet you."

Taehyung: "Oh so my baby wants to meet her daddy. I have no problem."

Jeun: "I am not your baby mind it next time. Tell me where to meet."

Taehyung: "Oh my babygirl got furious don't worry a time will come you will plead me. Meet me in the park near your cheap cafe your so called workplace."

He is getting on my nerves now. Why does he always have to behave like this? Anyhow i have to talk to him. I stood up and said to my boss:

"Miss hong i am leaving i have some work i will do extra shift tomorrow."

Miss Hong: (my boss) "Wait i will fire you you can't leave without permission!!"

Jeun: "I don't care then." I stated in a low voice and exited the cafe.

I went to the nearby park he told me. There was a car parked and i recognised it is his. He was sitting inside. I stood outside knocking at the window when he moved his gaze towards me from his mobile. He signalled me to sit inside. I hesitantly opened the door and sat inside uncomfortably.

Taehyung: "We are going to my mansion to talk."

Jeun: "But we can talk here-"

(He cut me and order coldly):

Taehyung: "Shut up. Start driving."

He ordered the driver and the driver started driving. I kept silent in the whole ride.

End of chapter.

I know its boring still i hope you guys like it. Sorry for the mistakes. Also i found five reader on my first chapter and i was shocked! The number is so small but it means so much to me. Will meet you in the next chapter. I hope it is satisfactory. Till then bye for now!👋🏻👋🏻💜💜

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