9. Cara/Xander

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His golden eyes were already trained on me, sweat a glistening sheen on his exposed and quite tantalizing flesh. His muscles were pulled taunt and he was clenching his jaw. His eyes did not show the annoyance his clenched jaw did. Xander had good reason though. Being an Alpha wolf who was quite possessive– though he's been subduing it with great effort around me so as to not scare me–finding me in a sea of shirtless men must have been triggering.

Even now, looking into Xander's affectionate gaze, there was a truth only I and I alone knew and that truth which would be unveiled probably too late, was also something that would undoubtedly eat me alive for the duration of my time here.

But even more than that, the politics is what was concerning him at the moment. I didn't look at anyone else as Xander approached me, the Master of Arms Akhil right on his heels.

Today was going to be a declaration and an establishment of some facts.

Some of the men stopped their actions whether it be archery practice or sword fighting or something else, staring at me in equal parts astonishment and confusion.

"Well, he's antagonized. Good work."

"Thank you, yellow-eyes." 

Melida threw me a dirty look and then shook her head, turning around to go gather the supplies.

"Why are you here?" Xander's voice was husky enough to make color rise to my cheeks and the dominance his presence established as always left me reeling and not just under the effects of his sage and wood scent.

I understood his concern though.

"Luna." Akhil Walls bowed with utmost respect and I was momentarily questioning his quick acceptance of me and my title unlike the other courtiers. But then again, his duty is to follow commands to protect his kingdom not play petty games.

I gave a firm nod of acknowledgement in return before turning my attention back to Xander. 

Xander, whose deliciously tanned, bronze, chiselled chest was on display for me and jealousy sparked within me at the thought of another female glimpsing the same things. 

What? I never said I was not possessive. Oh, I'm very possessive about what belongs to me.

Light smattering of hair and a body so damn firm that I could feel it's hardness just by looking. I forced myself to drag my eyes back up, only to find Xander's golden orbs flaring with intense heat and.....want.

I got that as well.

I wasn't exactly in an attire that would make it easy to ignore my presence. For today and today's purpose, I'd chosen my clothing carefully.

A sleeveless charcoal colored leather top that covered most of my chest, only leaving a thin strip of my stomach visible, studded with red stones on the shoulders while my legs were encased in black leather pants with a golden howling wolf sewn into the right pocket space. Black knee length boots and a tightly bound braid with not a single strand loose to even frame my face. 

Of course this was only half my look for today, not that Xander knew. But it was enough to make him both aroused and ticked.

I knew we'd made great progress recently.

The things about Xander that stole my heart...

I was rediscovering them all over again.

His fierce protective nature and his sweet silent support. His burning touch and his gentle understanding. His powerful stature and his confidence in him and me.

It was all making me fall for him all over again. Especially now that I'd stopped fighting the pull with a firm clarity of mind.

Xander rose a brow at me and my lips curled upwards. He was painfully handsome, the dimples peeking down at me.

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