Natasha and Bucky had been worried that she was too injured to train, they didn't want her to rip any stitches.

But Savannah felt like she was going to explode for some reason.

She didn't even know why...

She needed to punch something or someone.

But since there was currently no one on the floor, she'd have to settle with a punching bag.

She taped up her fists and took off her hoodie.

She picked a random song out of Wanda's playlist and played it on the loudspeaker. She tied up her hair and got in position.

And it worked, for the most part.

Punching that bag repeatedly until it tore and started spilling sand onto the floor.

She ignored the sand that had fallen onto her shoes and replaced the broken punching bag with a new one.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Savannah knew that Tony wouldn't be pleased with the amount of punching bags she was going through.

But like Bucky had said when she took him to get pizza on the first day they officially met.

"Stark's rich, he'll deal with it."

So she kept going.

It wasn't making her feel any calmer but it was giving her something to do, and she was grateful for that.

Because Savannah now came to the conclusion that she hated being alone.

Hated it.

So seeing the growing pile of beat-up punching bags, at least she had some kind of company.


Two hours came and went.

It wasn't until another hour passed when Savannah really started feeling a slight pain in her abdomen.

Deciding that she'd had enough training for today, Savannah unwrapped her fists and discarded the broken punching bags.

She drank a few cups of water before making her way back to her room to shower.

She carefully removed the badges on her wounds before getting into the shower.

Turning the water as cold as possible, Savannah just stood there, looking up at the ceiling, letting freezing cold water run down her face and body.

She just stood there, doing absolutely nothing.

And she stayed that way for a good ten minutes before deciding that it was time to get out.

Quickly rinsing off the body soap and shampoo, she stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel.

And then she stared at herself in the mirror.

This wasn't the same Savannah that had begged Pierce not to send her to New York for that mission way back when.

This Savannah was a leader.

But she didn't feel like a leader.

Now she just felt tired.

But not tired in a way where she wanted to sleep, no, she'd gotten enough of that.

She was just tired.

Little Princess  (An Avengers/ P.M. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now