The Band and The Bestfriend

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  • Dedicado a Grace Flood

a/n I just wrote like a bazillion words but then my computer froze so now I have to start over! I hate this stupid computer!

Nikohl's POV

"Delilah calm yourself!" Delilah is my live-in best-friend from like 2nd grade. me and her are HUGE fans of One Direction, she LOVES Liam and I like Harry. that's right, you heard me, I don't wanna have Harry's babies or any of that stuff I just wanna get to know him and then maybe, and I said MAYBE!, be his girlfriend. Delilah is currently watching a live performance of One Direction that we ordered on Pay-per-View. that's right we payed to watch it on T.V. instead of just going to a concert. I know, we are such dorks. I'm thinking of getting One Direction tickets for me and De's 10th anniversary of being best-friends! they are like wicked expensive but I really need to get her something special, its the big one oh!

"I am calm!" I hear De scream from the living room. "hurry your cute little but with the snacks or you're gonna miss Harry's solo!" she warned. I didn't need her to tell me twice. I booked it to the living room with my hands full of all kinds of snacks, from chips to pudding and back, I hopped over the back of the coach but ended up throwing the snacks everywhere! but guess what/ I didn't miss his solo and I bursted it out like there was no tomorrow!

I sang,

"I know you've never loved, the sound of your voice on tape, you never want, to know how much you weigh, but you still love to squeeze into your jeans (cue the dimples) but you're perfect to me!"

god his solo was like perfection compared to my voice...but just like every-time Delilah pipes in and says as if on cue, "dang nik! that's was so good,I wish I could sing like you!" I knew she was doing it just to be nice because she sang like a frigging angel!

"no De that would be you! and like I said before, you are the singer, I'm the dancer. I sound like a dying duck!" she giggled at my use of dying ducks but still it was true and she knew it. I have danced all my life I hated ballet. I did it for like an hour before I got frustrated, left and threw my shoes in the lake. obviously ballet wasn't for me. I needed to be able to improvise and be able to move freely so I kind of just fell into hip-hop and have been doing it ever since. I love dancing because it just clears my mind and its like I'm on top of the world. some people run, I dance. but in De's case she sings, she can hit any note you name, but of course she keeps her talent hidden so she just happened not to be famous yet. its a pity really.

after she finished her giggle fit and I finished my walk done memory lane she responded saying, "yeah yeah yeah I know! you tell me like every time we listen to them!" I just gave her an annoyed look and shushed her so we could hear their B-E-A-U-TI-FUL voices! god I would love to meet them but I know I will never get the chance because I'm not famous and neither is Delilah here.

we watched the rest of their performance and sang softly to ourselves. after the whole show was over it was like 11 so I decided to hit the showers and call it a night. "hey there Delilah, imam get a shower and go to bed. see you in the a.m.?" she always hated it when I said 'hey there Delilah' because she dint like being talked to like she was a song, she said.

she gave me a "look" that said 'go die in a hole' but then said, "yeah okay ill be up in a sec I'm just gonna get something to drink first." I walked up stairs and got a quick shower before changing into some plaid p.j. pants and an old Gorillaz t-shirt before hopping in bed and setting my alarm. tomorrow was Tuesday and me and De had off she we decided to go shopping and get some dresses for this music awards thing we had to go to, courtesy of my mother, Julie. I hated going to these things but there was always a chance One Direction would be there and bringing De made it more bearable. So lets just hope we can find something cute because I'm not gonna show up like I did last time in my converse and khakis. mom was pissed and told me I had to leave, ugh she can be such a bitch at times, but I gotta love her right? any-who time to sleep...I slowly dozed off without even realizing it...

a/n was it good???? Please tell me this is my first fanfic and I want it to be good...tomorrow the boys come into the story. well that's if I get anyone to even read the first chapter! ugh! tell me if you like it!




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