Thirty-ninth Test: Testing the Balance

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"Good boy," Claudia giggled, looking down at Adam on the changing mat. He was wearing a diaper now, and that embarrassed him more than he could possibly express. At the same time, he knew that he could make Claudia do whatever he wanted; but he didn't want her to do anything except carry on with her plans. He was glad that she wasn't calling him a girl this time, though.

He looked down at himself and wondered how much difference the unicorn print really made to the humiliation factor. He wondered what his friends would think if they knew about all of this. They'd be so jealous if they found out who he was spending time with, but they would never understand the unicorns. Adam didn't really understand it himself. But Claudia was smiling at him, and that was all that really mattered. She looked up to meet his eyes, then down at the last sticky tape. He didn't understand the hesitation, but that was just one more thing to be confused about, and he was sure she knew of a way to help him enjoy this more than he had ever thought possible.

"You sure you're okay with this?" she asked again. "We're both babies now, ready to play games together. Do you want to give me any orders before I finish changing you? Anything else you want to say to make sure you enjoy whatever I'm going to suggest?"

Adam thought for a long minute, but he didn't think he had anything to worry about now. All the commands Lori had given him earlier were no longer a problem, because Claudia had told him not to obey them. And she woulsn't tell him to do anything he was uncomfortable with. He might be in an embarrassing outfit, but so was she, and he was pretty sure she wouldn't be able to tell him to wet himself or anything like that. He returned the dazzling smile, although probably with less grace and charm, and instead of answering he took one of the St Jeremy's Root gummies from the tin beside the bed. Sucking on that would make it perfectly clear that he was happy to let her take the lead, even when they were being equals.

But then, as the bitter-honey flavour filled his mouth, another idea came to mind.

"Well, one idea. If you give me another command before these drugs have worn off, you have to obey it too. That way we're really equal. Is... is that okay?"

"Smart boy," she said. "Yes. Intelligence is one thing that attracted me to you. Even if you don't want to be the one in charge, you're thinking about my feelings. Making it fun for both of us. I really think I might... have some strong feelings for you. Even more so the more I see of your imagination. Now, ready to be a baby?"

Adam nodded. Claudia tugged on the last tape, making sure the diaper was snug around his waist, and pressed it down. She paused, peeled the tape up again, and adjusted it slightly. Adam couldn't tell the difference, but the attention really made him feel small, like he needed her to do everything for him. It was an oddly reassuring feeling, and he thought he might be able to see why some people liked to be treated like this. Some day, he hoped, he would have enough experience to make her feel the same way with such a tiny motion. Still, she seemed to be thinking about something, and he couldn't guess what was on her mind. With a half-shrug she moved aside and offered a hand to help him sit up. Another gesture of assistance that he didn't really need, but that made him feel so much more comfortable.

He took her hand, blushing at the direct contact even after everything they had already done, and rose to sit beside her on the edge of the bed. Then he remembered what had momentarily slipped his mind, and he found himself blushing again. He closed his eyes reflexively, as if not being able to see the world would also protect him from being seen as he wet his diaper. It took a little effort to make his body comply, but he knew that he had to do as he was told, and a second later he felt the warmth spreading. It wasn't damp or clammy, the unicorn diapers were pretty incredible at drawing any moisture away from his skin. All he felt was the gentle heat of his pee, barely uncomfortable at all if he tried to ignore what it was.

"Aww, did the little baby have an accident?" Claudia asked, giggling again. While she was in the uncharacteristically-frilly outfit, she seemed more like a teasing big sister than an adult, and somehow Adam found himself less embarrassed in responding.

"You knew that was going to happen, didn't you? I was feeling so good, just spending time with you, that an order slipped my mind. But you only told me to stop following Lorelei's previous orders, not your old ones. And I only said you have to go along with any new instructions you give me now. As soon as I remembered..."

"Awww, remembered what?"

"You said I'm not allowed to... to have an accident while I'm out of diapers. To protect me from your sister's commands, I think. And you said if I get diapered again, I'm not allowed to hold it. I was barely even paying attention at the time because I really didn't think it would happen. But..."

"Aww, I'm sorry. But you have to admit it's kind of funny. You're so adamant about not wanting to be a baby, but you walked right into that one. I do hope you've got the wits to catch me with a trick like that at some point, so this doesn't get too predictable. Peeing your pants for me, and with that stupid grin on your face, I might almost think you enjoy it."

"Well..." he answered, and then looked down at his diaper, where the little symbols down the middle were starting to fade. He really had no reason to be ashamed of saying what he felt now. There was no way he could be more embarrassed, and out of everything Claudia had done to him, none of it was actually unpleasant. "It's not something I want but it's kind of... I don't know. It makes me feel helpless. And reminds me that anything I can't do myself, I can still rely on you. Feels like you're so much smarter than me."

"Well, aren't I?"

"I don't know. You're smarter than anyone else I know, I think. More perceptive. But I think if I was to challenge you in some direct contest of intellect it would be pretty close. And probably down to which precise skills we were testing."

"You know, I don't think I could cope with spending my life with a guy who needs me to do everything, and has to look up to me. But I wouldn't go for someone who lets his ego run his life either. Are you Jesus or something?"

"Huh?" It was all he could say to a question that had come out of nowhere.

"You found the right answer to a question that doesn't even have one. That's the thing I remember from religious studies in school. I think that whoever's in charge, time spent with you will be interesting. So now I won't be cruel to you, and we can have another crack at these achievements. Okay?"

"Sure," Adam nodded, and turned the console back on.

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