Thirty-third Test: Testing Tolerance

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This time, the bonus chapter is dedicated to twilight, who I think has been supporting me for longer than anyone else. Thank you twi, and I hope everyone enjoys the story!

I think this is the last chapter scheduled for today, because chapter 34 was already uploaded and waiting for both versions of 33 to be posted. And a little glitch in the scheduling algorithm means that it can't be posted on the same day as another chapter from the same story; so you'll have to wait for tomorrow to see the next few chapters (although there should be at least 3 more to post then – I've got the Adult versions of 35 and 36 ready too)

Thank you everyone for your patience!

Adam kept on trying to put on the dress. He had a few buttons fastened now, and he was almost sure they were in the right place, but it felt like he was trying to put up a tent without reading the instructions. It hung at odd angles, and probably made him look even sillier than it normally would have done.

It didn't help that Claudia had probably last worn this when she was still a little kid. She might have lost weight since then, but she had certainly grown taller. He could feel a seam near the bottom of his ribs that was probably supposed to be somewhere around waist height, and the bottom of the dress poofed out like a tutu, ending just above his knees. He thought he must look hilarious, but he wasn't really in a position to appreciate it. He just had to keep adjusting the fasteners, and try to get it on properly.

He partly hoped that Claudia would be disappointed by how he looked, because she might have something else for him to try. But really he wanted to impress her, because it made his heart soar when he saw that little smile.

Frustrated, he gripped a tiny zipper that he couldn't find the other half of, and took a deep breath to try and manage his frustration. He really didn't want to disappoint her, not when there was another alternative. And while the idea that was just popping into his mind might make it easier for him than she'd intended, he thought he might be able to get away with it.

"Come and help me with this," he said, trying to pitch it so that it was obviously a command and not a request, without letting his frustration with the garment come out sounding like anger. He didn't think he'd done as well as he could have, but he hoped she would be able to understand what he meant.

"Bad girl," Claudia answered, but she was still smiling. Of course, she came closer and started to fiddle with the buttons. First she started unfastening them, and Adam mumbled in confusion, not sure what she was doing. "I was thinking of offering some help, but you looked so adorable getting everything backwards. I wanted to see how long it would take you to realise it was wrong, and how embarrassed you might be about asking for help."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." he mumbled, wishing he could just take back the command and have said nothing. "I should have just asked, but..."

"Don't worry." Her voice was firm, and there was no hint there that he would be allowed to argue. "I would have made you beg, and that might have been fun. But it's nice to have a change of perspective. Oh, see? I got that wrong now, I didn't remember just how complex this is. Losing control, it's a different kind of fun. It's an interesting thing to experience, and I'm glad I got to feel it in a situation where I don't have to worry about any consequences."

"I'll ask next time."

"I'm sure you will. And you know I'll have to punish you again. Right? You're racking up quite a list of things that need consequences, and I'm sure I'll enjoy that even more."

Adam didn't say anything this time, but a vivid blush was all the answer he needed. Then he looked up in the mirror, and realised what Claudia had meant by putting a dress on backwards. The ribbons that he'd thought were some weird kind of belt turned out to go around the back of the outfit in a cris-cross pattern, pulling it tighter around his chest and dramatically changing its shape. Now instead of an amorphous tube, he was wearing something that looked like a half dozen cut off wedding dresses inside each other, with layers of different colours. The outermost skirt hem didn't even reach his waist, but each one was slightly longer than the one above it. And with all the straps fastened, it turned out to be surprisingly comfortable to move in.

"Wow," he gasped. "I look almost... cute?"

"You look extremely cute. You've got the figure for it, anyway. Something like this wouldn't sit snugly on someone with more muscles. And of course it's designed for someone younger, it should give the impression of a figure that you haven't really got. A little misshapen, because you're taller than I was back then, but I think it's not too far off. That's perfect."

"Thanks. I think. Do I want to be cute?"

"I don't know. But you volunteered. Maybe we should try something a little less over the top?"

He hesitated, and looked down at himself. Then at the mirror again. He was surprised how well he could pass for a girl, but with the shape of his body entirely concealed by multiple layers, he realised there weren't many clues. He almost wanted to... no, he was going to. He just needed a moment to build up the courage.

Adam stood on the spot and then did a twirl, lace spinning out in all directions, and he couldn't help giggling when he saw how he looked. Claudia, on the other hand, made no effort to hide her amusement. She was laughing out loud, and made little effort to stop.

"I'm sorry," she gasped after a few minutes to recover her composure. "I should ask you for more things, I don't need to always plan to be in control. I was going to–"

"Shush," he cut her off. "I like it when the people around me are happy. And you seem to be very happy, so I think I did good. And dressing up like this, it's weird, yeah? But it's not bad. I'm enjoying having a break from all the normal rules. It's different, but it's fun. Out of everything that's happened this afternoon, the parts where you did something funny, or mean, or whatever have been the best parts. I can't think of a single thing you've done that's actually let me down."

"But you don't understand. I had this big plan all worked out, how to get you to do things I knew you wouldn't enjoy. And now you're playing along so well. I should have just asked you, but I didn't really believe you. I feel guilty now, because you might..."

"Seriously," he tried his best to comfort her, and wished he was better with words. She was still smiling, still having fun, but that guilt could only be a sour note. She'd told him not to feel bad about one careless instruction, so he should be able to convince her that she had done absolutely nothing wrong.

When he was trying to find the words, she looked at him in the mirror again, dressed up like a perfect princess, and that seemed to put the smile back on her face. She had something else to say, and whatever it was Adam was sure it could only make his joy increase.

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