Twenty-third Test: Criteria for Testing

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This is an abridged chapter again. The full version is significantly more adult, and so is in the mature version of this book. I hope you'll enjoy this enough to keep on reading if you're not willing or not allowed to view the NSFW version.

This chapter is dedicated to Dewayne, with many thanks for your support on Patreon. Thank you! If you'd like me to focus more on another story for your bonus chapter in September, please let me know.

Adam lay back on the changing mat, and wondered how he had managed to end up in this situation again. He'd come here to play video games with a girl he really liked, and maybe been secretly hoping that she would come to realise what a great person he was. Covering his face in shame, trying to pretend he wasn't here while she changed his wet diaper, wasn't what he'd had in mind.

He told himself that this could have happened to anyone, and it wasn't his fault. But that didn't make it any easier to cope with. About the only thing that made this humiliation even partly tolerable was the fact that Claudia was here for him. Yes, it was a terrible thing to happen to anyone, and he was sure he would never live down the shame. She would probably tease him about this forever, once she understood what had really happened. But still, he could hope it would bring them closer together. She wasn't running away, she wasn't calling him a freak. She thought he'd volunteered for this for some reason, but she was willing to put up with it and even play along with the strange scenario. To Adam, that meant there was a chance she really liked him; and there was a chance that this would become a private joke, a shared secret, in the years to come.

She untaped the diaper, and quickly cleaned him up with baby wipes. They were cool on his skin, but Adam just tried to pretend nothing was happening. This was so strange that he couldn't even accept it was real, and kept his hands over his face the whole time.

'If I can't see her, she can't see me' he muttered inside his mind. He knew the world didn't work like that, but right now a comforting thought was all he could hope for, even if it defied reason. He was aware that covering his eyes like that was an extremely childish gesture, but right now nothing could have made the situation any more extreme, and he was willing to live with being a little childish.

"There we go!" Claudia's voice brought him back out of his thoughts, and when he looked down he saw a fresh diaper – still as pink as the other, and decorated with pink unicorns – taped snugly around his waist. He was clean again, and there was just a little relief there.

"Now, do you think you can be a good girl for me?"

"I..." Adam started an indignant response, but immediately cut it off. There was no sense in protesting how mature he was; no point telling her he was a boy, or an adult. She knew that already, and she was just teasing him. Denying it would only make her more convinced that this humiliation was something he somehow wanted.

"I can try," he mumbled, feeling a little defeated. "If that's really what you want."

"Well then, I can make it easier. Do or don't, there's no need for trying. So this is another order for you. You're not allowed to refer to yourself as an adult until you've proved that you are. If we call you a baby, or a girl, you have to accept it and agree. You're a baby girl, and you have to refer to yourself like that until I agree that you can grow up again. If you want to be an adult, you'll need to prove that by not having any more little 'accidents'. Understand?"

"Yes." the word was barely more than a whimper.

"Very good. But don't worry, it won't be too long now. I want Lori to be off to bed soon, and after that there's less reason to keep you as a baby. Unless you really want to keep going, of course. I'm sorry to ask you to babysit without warning, but I hope it's been kind of fun for you. And I promise, after my sister is in bed, we're going to have a proper talk about this, with no need to rush. Unless you're really determined to stay as a little girl, of course. But for now... can you be a good baby girl, while you decide how to tell me what you'd like most?"

Adam could only nod.

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