Thirty-fifth Test: Analysing Your Response

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"I don't need a reward for putting up with a little mischief, or any kind of compensation," Adam answered quickly. "I don't need you to do anything to make it up to me, because you haven't done anything wrong. I told you that you could do whatever you wanted with me, didn't I? So you should try to believe me. All in, the day was fun. Maybe not something I would have agreed to, but still something good."

"I promise, you have earned a lot of my respect. Just tonight, you can ask for anything you want, and I promise you can have it. Even... even if you tell me... whatever you want me to be for you."

Adam's mind was already racing. The things they'd done together already, he enjoyed more than he could have thought possible. And with the things he'd said, he knew she must be guessing what was on his mind.

"I could make you my girlfriend, could I?"

"You... if you want to. If you can find the right commands. You said how you felt and I turned you down out of habit, I was almost angry for a moment. That wasn't fair. I decided I'm not ready for a relationship. I can't trust anyone with my feelings, because guys are all the same. But you already proved you're not. So if you can make me..."

"It would be worthless," he answered instinctively, and then regretted it when he saw her confusion. He had to think more about his next line. "I mean... if I could order you to fall for me, even if you kept on taking that root every day, it wouldn't be what I want. If I ordered to you to feel – well, anything, really – then it wouldn't real. You could probably act the part perfectly, but that's not what matters. I want to see you happy, not just playing the part. It's like... Well, I want to see you smile, right? But if I ordered you to smile for me, it wouldn't reflect your real feelings. I can't make you happy using some drug, so there's no point trying. It doesn't mean anything unless I do it properly."

"Yeah. Plus it only lasts a couple of hours. You might never get another chance if you tried something like that."

Adam shrugged. He had realised when he was saying the words that he wasn't just trying to be a nice guy. He really wanted Claudia to be happy, and that meant sticking within the boundaries that she was comfortable with. One of his biggest dreams was her saying that she wanted to be with him, but if he made her say it he'd know it wasn't real.

"So what do you want to do? I promised you a reward, didn't I? Some compensation for what you've been through today."

"You enjoyed it, didn't you? Treating me like a baby."

"Yeah, a little. Lori was enjoying herself, and it felt nice to tease someone for a change. I'd like to do that again sometime. But talking about it properly first, so I know what you're comfortable with and what you're not. But I think now would be a good opportunity to get you out of that dress. I don't want you to endure any more discomfort for my sake."

"Had enough of the whole humiliation thing? Is there something else you'd like me to try on, or would you like to be adults and play video games awhile? Or is that your guilt speaking, when you wish you could change me into something more embarrassing?"

"I told you before I'm not interested in a relationship, because I was scared you'd use my feelings to get whatever you want. And then what have I been doing all day? You've been kind, considerate, and respectful all day. That's a tough act to–"

"Don't worry about what you think you should do, or what's expected of you. You said I can tell you what to do now, right? So, without worrying about what you should do, or trying to second guess what I want. Are you in the mood for more baby stuff, or some adult time? Tell me the truth."

"I'm having fun teasing you and I want to keep going with that but I feel like I have to stop. I should have asked you to start with."

"You asked now. If you feel guilty, how about we do something together. Take turns, you can tell me to do something embarrassing and then I'll tell you. And we can get the rest of those achievements, but you know you're allowed to give me orders whenever you want."

"That seems fair. Maybe I'll put on a drilly dress too, but you might have to make me."

"Then it's decided. You have to ask if it's okay before you order me to do anything we haven't discussed before, but you know I'm going to say yes to most things, and I want to see how much I can enjoy it. So as long as I can take it, you have to stop worrying and do what you really want. That's my order."

"Thank you," Claudia gasped. "I'm just too nervous to admit–" And then she couldn't speak any more, because she had sat down beside Adam on the bed, and pulled him closer. He didn't know what to think as her lips met his, but this was a moment he didn't need to think for.

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