Thirtieth Test: Changing the Test

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This chapter is dedicated to Dewayne, with many thanks for all your support on Patreon. My followers didn't get charged this month because I've written so few chapters, but I'll still do my best to get a bonus chapter for you. Most of those will be waiting for tomorrow, because of the way my scheduling algorithm handles the NSFW variants, but don't worry, you will still get them.

And my apologies to Dewayne, Privates, and Mike; for dedicating this chapter to the wrong person twice. Hopefully that bug in my database is now fixed.

There is a more mature alternate version of this chapter in the book Testing the Babysitter – Adult Chapters

"You don't want a proper reward?" Claudia asked.

"I don't know what I'd ask for," Adam answered with a shrug. The only thing he wanted right now was to get out of his diapers, and to be able to be an adult again. But he couldn't say that, because he still wasn't allowed to talk about all the unwanted commands he was still following. "I'm happy to be here, so I don't need anything else."

"You sure? Nothing you need?"

"No, I'm fine. Thanks for inviting me, you know? And giving me pizza."

"Well, you can thank Mum for that. But I should probably ask if you want to be out of that diaper now. Would you like to show me what a big girl you are? That is... if you haven't had an accident already."

"I've not!" Adam protested automatically, but the warmth reminded him that wasn't technically true. He might have peed a little on the way up the stairs, as Claudia brushed past him. Or when they happened to touch while they were getting comfortable or stretching their legs to stay comfortable while they were playing a game. But each time had only been a momentary loss of control, not anything that really mattered. He could honestly have said that he was almost dry, if they hadn't shared am impulsive high-five when a message appeared in the corner of the screen to show that Claudia had obtained the coveted Master Sergeant award. Now he was just embarrassed, even though he knew it wasn't his fault. "But maybe I should change. I don't need diapers."

"Are you sure about that? I mean, you couldn't hold it before. I hope you're not going to have an accident and pee on the floor as soon as you're out of diapers. I mean, you've been holding it for more than an hour now, and it might not be a good idea to push your luck."

"I won't. I never have accidents. I keep telling you that before wasn't..." Wasn't something he could make any comprehensible statement about right now. There was nothing he was allowed to say that wouldn't get him deeper into this mess, so he let his voice trail off. "Please, can I go without a diaper?"

"Sure. It's not long until you have to go home now. So if you pee now, you probably won't have to go again until you're on the way home. And I know it's selfish to say, but it's your own problem then. So, if you pee first, I can change you, and you can wear grown-up clothes again. That what you want?"

"Sure. So can I... I mean, do I need to ask permission? I can take this thing off and get clean and everything?"

He stood up and took a step towards the door, hoping that she would see his intent and give him permission to use the bathroom. But it didn't look like it was going to be that easy.

"Only if you pee first," she seemed firm. "So I know you won't have an accident before you go home. I'm not mopping up after you again. Now, wet your diaper. And make sure your bladder is completely empty. Understood?"

Adam blushed like a beet, and did as he was told. There was almost nithing in his bladder after the last time, but he managed to squeeze out a few drops. That was humiliating again, but somehow it didn't seem like such a bad thing when Claudia was giving the orders. She knew it wasn't his fault, that was the big difference. He knew that she wouldn't look down on him because of it when it was all her responsibility. And as he analysed his thoughts a little, he came to realise that it was probably better this way. Easier to avoid embarrassment, at least, because there was no way Claudia could know that he'd been wet before she gave the command.

"Yes, Mommy," he gave a chuckle, and tried to deflect his awkwardness with a little humour. It kind of fell flat, but she was still smiling so it could have been worse. "So I better go change, and..."

"No. You better be a good girl, you're clearly not old enough to do things by yourself right now. If you wanted to be an adult, you should have been more careful with the juice and brownies. At least it means I can make sure you don't have another accident. You're not allowed to pee while you're out of a diaper, you understand? Until the drug wears off, you can't pee when you're not diapered. And when you are in one, you have to pee whenever you feel the urge. Think that seems fair?"

Adam couldn't think at all, the blush had overwhelmed his critical faculties. But he could see that Claudia was having fun, so he just nodded and waited for her to continue.

"Now, spread this out on the bed and lie down." She handed him the folded changing mat, which she must have brought up to her room sometime earlier when he'd been too distracted to notice. There wasn't much else he could say, so he resolved just to stay quiet as Claudia helped him with something he was sure he should have done by himself.

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