Twenty-first Test: Test of Endurance

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"Don't you need the bathroom after all those drinks?" Adam managed to get the words out, hiding his own discomfort from Claudia. He couldn't believe he was so desperate to pee after just a couple of cups of juice, but he wasn't allowed to tell her that he needed to go. His only option was to wait until she asked him; or until the drugs in his system wore off. Asking her the same question was probably his best chance of getting a chance.

"Silly baby," she answered without any hesitation. "I've not been drinking that much. But I'm glad you have, because it'll be so much easier to get Lori to drink down a special cup. It's almost like she sees it as a competition, trying to follow my instructions as well as you. Oh! Is that why you were getting up? I'm sorry, I didn't even think about it. I gave you a bigger cup than her because those toddler ones would look silly in your big hands, but I didn't think you'd be worrying."

"Yeah, I was..." Adam mumbled. On some deep level, he wasn't sure if that was the same as asking if he needed the bathroom or not. He could convince himself it was, but it still felt almost like he was disobeying orders; and that was something he never wanted to do.

"Okay. Well, I think you've done so much to help me and my family have a good day, I won't push you to do any more. I can help you get to the bathroom by yourself, and then you can be the big strong man of the house again; or if you want me to take your diaper off for you and help you use the potty like a toddler, just give me a little sign that you like the feel of humiliation. A single babyish action, if you suck your thumb or talk in baby babble before we get upstairs, I'll know that you're only talking about being a big boy because you don't want to have the chance. Or act like an adult aside from my instructions, and I'll know that you really want me to negate all the orders I've given. You don't have to make up your mind right now, I'll give you until we reach the bathroom to give me a clear sign one way or the other. Right?"

Adam nodded. It was all going to be fine. Claudia had mentioned before that he might be interested in playing this role a bit more. There were situations he could easily think of where he would have to say "No!" to some instruction, but wouldn't want her to actually stop. To him, those times had nothing to do with being humiliated and being treated like a little kid, but he had no way of knowing that. So he really appreciated that she was giving him a way to express his interest without coming out and saying it. And the way she tried so hard to express herself clearly, to Adam that said she wasn't trying to pressure him. She wasn't hoping to guilt-trip him into doing something she wanted; and she wasn't giving herself an escape clause. She needed him to know that it really was his choice.

"Now, go upstairs with me. You can walk that far, but you have to walk like a wobbly toddler. Okay?"

Adam just nodded again, and got unsteadily to his feet. He didn't really know how a toddler walked, but he guessed it would be something like having his legs spread wide, looking where to place each foot rather than just taking a step forward. The bulk of the diaper between his thighs made it harder to walk normally in any case, but he was sure that one last humiliation wouldn't get the better of him, when he was so close to a final victory over Lorelei's words.

He took the stairs one by one, stopping to check his position after every time he put his foot down. It was silly, and slow, but he didn't mind. He was sure Claudia was amused by the performance, and being able to imagine her smile was enough to make it worth it. He wished he could have run up the stairs, as the pressure from his bladder seemed to increase with every step, but he knew that he would be there soon enough.

And then they were standing outside the bathroom on the upstairs landing. Adam sighed, relieved that he wouldn't have to wait much longer.

"Good girl," Claudia offered praise, and Adam accepted it with a faint nod and a giggle. He knew he wasn't a little girl but the affection there was real, and that was all that mattered. He could get changed now, and if he'd understood correctly earlier, she wouldn't make him wear a diaper again after he proved he could use the bathroom in spite of Lorelei's instructions. He was feeling more confident now, and almost missed what Claudia was saying as she continued: "Now, do you need me to take your diaper off, or are you grown up enough to do that by yourself?"

"You won't just accept it if I say I'm an adult, will you?"

"When you went as far as peeing your pants to show me you wanted to be a baby girl earlier? No, I think I'd better see for myself that you're able to act your age."

Adam nodded again. She wasn't pushing him; that was the important thing. She was giving him the chance to prove he was an adult. If he could get changed by himself, she'd know he meant it. And if she saw him sucking his thumb or something, or pretending to struggle with the tapes, she would know that he wanted to be humiliated. He found it really comforting that Claudia was trying to find a good way to give him what he wanted, even if he knew that there was no chance he would ever make the other choice. She needed to be sure, and that told him that she was exactly the kind of person he could trust with so much control over him. And because she was so conscientious, he knew that he was safe in her hands.

"Now, pull your shorts down. You can do that by yourself." Adam did as he was instructed, while Claudia stood in the bathroom doorway. She wanted to embarrass him just a little more, he assumed. Making sure he had every opportunity to give a clearer response. He found himself turning away automatically, not wanting her to see him in the diaper, even if he was taking it off now.

"And can you change your diaper by yourself?" she asked. "It seems you're a big boy enough to keep it dry, so maybe you don't need one now."

Adam was almost cheering when he heard that. He didn't look down at the diaper; he didn't need to see whatever flashy colour changing designs were on it. But he felt oddly proud when Claudia talked to him like that, regardless of the topic. The diaper was so thick that he hadn't even noticed her hand, gently pressing on the padding. But he felt her fingers gently brush the inside of his leg as she checked the diaper, and for a moment his head was filled with so many conflicting thoughts that he didn't know what he was feeling.

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