Thirty-first Test: Test of Willingness

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There is an alternate version of this story in the Adult Chapters book, if you are over 18. The activities in the two versions are quite different this time; but I think both of them can work to support the general story arc.

"You can do it yourself," Claudia explained. "But you should probably have some time out of diapers, to make sure you don't get a rash."

"Thank you," Adam's reply was barely more than a mumble, but he couldn't think of anything better to say. He wanted to be an adult again, but not at the cost of losing out on this intimacy with the girl he'd been crushing on for as long as he could remember. Just being close to her was great, even if it was doing weird things like being treated like a baby. When he realised that, he could have started some deep introspection, doubting the person he thought he was, but he didn't really care. He'd been under a lot of stress through the day, but he was sure it was over now. And just being able to be here, the fact that he'd told her about his feelings and she was still happy to spend time with him. It felt better than he could have expected.

She talked him through taking off the diaper. Just like he was a little kid, learning to do it for the first time. But he couldn't even be upset by that. He tried thinking of it as a joke, like she wasn't really putting him down it was just something that connected them. A memory of experiences that nobody else would ever know about. And when he changed his perspective a little, he could laugh along with her. It wasn't long before the diaper was gone, and he could change back into regular clothes. Or at least something closer to normal.

"Have you got any clean clothes I can borrow? I mean, those shorts..."

"Sure. I think most of my wardrobe is pretty androgynous. But..." she bit her lip, and waited for Adam to ask again.


"You're pretty cute as a baby. Would you mind if I dress you up a bit, like the little sister I never had? It doesn't have to be anything weird or embarrassing, but I'd like to see how you look in some of my older clothes, before I became this outcast from society. I mean, never mind. I didn't think that would sound so creepy. I already asked..."

"No, it's good."

She turned and just looked at him, and he could see the nervousness that was so familiar. It wasn't usual for her, but he had felt like that so many times. Like for once in her life she actually cared about what someone else thought of her, and she didn't know what she could do to change it.

"It's good," he said. "I'm glad you had the courage to ask something like that. I trust you so much, I could say you're my best friend now and it wouldn't be a lie. I don't care so much about how I dress, especially when there's nobody to see. And if it would make you happy, that's reason enough to try."

"Wouldn't that, like... make you embarrassed?"

"Sure it would. But so what? I like you, and I want you to be happy. And if it suits me, it would be better to know. You don't need to worry so much, my ego isn't going to shatter from a thing like that. Stop worrying, and do what you want to do. You can even force me if you want, I think that juice is still affecting me. As long as I can tell you if something really makes me uncomfortable, I'm happy to let you push my boundaries. So do the things you really want to do, and don't feel like you need to stop unless I say it's too much."

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