Chapter Forty

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Halle Henry

Again, I had no plans for the evening. A lot of people were going out tonight because of the Grammys and the fact Harry is nominated, but I wasn't feeling up for it so I took a bath to indulge in care and make use of all the de-stressing things my sister gave me when I was in London.

I also called my sister and pretty much told her absolutely everything about Harry. I probably should have told her when I was in London but we were a little too busy. I told her everything from the whole publicity deal thing before I even went on tour with him, to the fact I think I'm falling for him.

Ellen said she knew. Apparently it was fairly obvious from the way we looked at each other and the way he treated me when we were at home. Apparently her boyfriend Dan knew too, and Harry told him that he really cares about me and he likes looking out for me in LA. Dan says no man says that about a woman unless they actually like them. As in, like like them.

She didn't know about all of the complications though, like the fact it started out being a PR friendship thing and that that's why we always tell the media we're best friends. She didn't know that our contracts make it literally fucking illegal to be in our position, and telling her all of that made me feel stupid.

Her response was 'Oh Halle', and if that doesn't speak volumes, I don't know what does.

She told me to wait it out and see what he says when he's free, because as Ellen said, it started as a friendship and if we're not allowed to be together it might just be him being asked to fake it. I don't know, she's maybe right but what I'm not going to do is ruin his night of being a the fucking Grammys, because he deserves that so much and no matter what, I'll be supporting him from my humble abode.

It was also really nice to catch up with my sister and see how she's dealing with things. We were really honest, I told her about all my days and she told me about hers. We're keeping his house as it means a lot to us. It's a really good family home and one day, hopefully either Ellen and I can raise our own family there.

It'll probably be Ellen, I mean, her and Dan are practically a married couple. Having a single dad meant Ellen was both my sister and motherly figure. She was always cut out to have a family and I don't doubt it'll be long. It's her biggest dream.

I also can't wait to be an auntie because that would be so fucking cool.

Anyway, after the three hour phone call which consisted of two breakdowns, me planning Ellen's entire future, asking her what to wear for events I have that are weeks away, and forcing her to come to see my tour at least four times minimum, I sat down in front of my TV feeling a whole lot calmer.

I had a cup of tea, a bowl of cereal, and the A/C broke, soi I was just wearing a T-shirt and a pair of underwear. I live alone, and I really do utilise that. However, people know where I live and I really do get changed in front of my full sized windows as if I stay in the middle of nowhere.

The whole Harry potentially sleeping with another woman and me having no right to be mad fiasco was completely out of my mind, and I was now watching the TV as the Grammys began. I had butterflies, and when I laughed at Harry because he was excited watching the awards on Tv when I won, and he fell and bruised his chin, I understand it now. I haven't even seen him on TV yet and I'm already excited.

Then he popped up on my TV screen for a brief moment when the host was talking about who was attending, and I almost fucking passed out. He's wearing high waisted, fitted red trousers, no shirt, and a blazer which is cropped so it's sitting right on the waistline of his trousers. He's also wearing a scarf around his neck, a little bandana looking one which looks really, really familiar.

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