Chapter Twenty Four

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Halle Henry

I haven't seen Harry since yesterday.

This morning I had to get up early to get ready for the event tonight, which was taking place at 6PM however I had to get up at  9AM because I had to get spray tanned, my makeup done, my outfit fitted, my hair done...all that jazz. I didn't choose to have it that way, to be honest, I'd have found a nice charity shop dress and done my own hair and makeup, but the label always seems to kit their people out when they have an event, so I had a whole team of people coming to get me ready.

I might not even win these awards or performances, so I don't know why it's such a massive deal. I suppose if I don't win, then I'll still have attended an event with heaps of A-listers so maybe it's a good thing I have people here to make me look pretty.

I ended up being put into a red dress with cutouts and a pair of gold heels to match the gold jewellery. In the stylists' defence, I feel hot. I genuinely, don't think I've ever felt so good about myself and it's not often I do feel that way about myself.  My lips are red and I thought maybe it would be too much, but it isn't, it goes so well and I just feel so powerful, and I'm literally little miss nobody.

As soon as I was ready, I called my dad and Ellen, let them calm my nerves for half an hour, and then Mick called in saying we had to go. I expected to hop into a taxi with Harry, but it was just Mick, a few management people, and me. The taxi was one of the fancy ones that take people places, with drivers in three piece suits that have drinks and snacks in the backs of their cars.

I do not know how I ended up here, I feel so out of place.

There was no red carpet, we just got escorted inside and a few photographers snapped a few pictures here and there as we headed inside. It was so nerve wracking, and I don't think I listened to a word the poor woman taking us inside was saying. I heard her say I was sitting at the same table as Harry though, that stuck out to me.

There he was. I saw his face the second I entered the room, and then beside him, I saw a woman who looked just like him. We caught eyes, and as I approached, Harry took to his feet to welcome us to the table, and reveal what it was that he was wearing following yesterdays discussion about wanting to wear an outfit that said 'fuck you sam'.

He's wearing a glittery suit. A purple glitter suit with a gold glitter shirt.

Maybe the things I say to him do resonate.

"Halle." Harry smiled, welcoming me over with open arms as I stepped closer to hug him. "This is my mum."

I stepped back looking at his mum who was just gorgeous. I mean she was beautiful and I thought that she was his sister or something, not his fucking mother. I smiled at her before introducing myself, but then she went in for a hug and I inhaled the scent of her floral perfume as her arms wrapped around me.

"I'm Anne, lovely to meet you." She greeted cheerily, pulling back to look at my outfit. "You're gorgeous, isn't she Harry?"

Harry was left chuckling awkwardly, and then his mum seemed to catch on when he looked at Sam, and then Mick and she just smiled and sat back down again. We all took to our seats, me in between Harry and Mick, and Sam poured us all a glass of the free champagne placed on our table.

When everyone faded into their own conversation, looking around the room and at thje stage that nobody knows who'll be performing on, Harry looked at me and smiled, shuffling his chair closer and then, moving closer so I could hear him better.

"You look beautiful." He whispered into my ear before sitting back up right as I tried not to blush at his words.

"Your suit." I chuckled. "It's so fucking cool."

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