Chapter 21

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Halle Henry

I'm walking through the building with Mick, we went for a coffee this morning as these past few days we've been doing our own thing. I've been writing and on the phone to my family nonstop and Mick has just been doing whatever that man does in his double life he tells nobody about. It's been a quiet few days, I haven't seen Harry much either due to the fact he's been busy doing things with his band.

"Have you heard anything about a tour?" I ask Mick, stopping at the shared lounge area in the. Implied we all live in, this shared lounge used whenever we have meetings that are casual ones as we're not supposed to have meetings in each others apartments for professional reasons.

"November at the very earliest I'm afraid." Mick says, forming his lips into a line and placing his takeaway coffee down on the table as he sits down on the couch, I remain standing.

"November?" I repeat in shock. "I thought you said September because then festivals and awards will be over and I can go straight back into a tour with my album."

"No, Halle, I said after September. You get a month off." Mick says, looking at me like he was a teacher telling off a school pupil or a parent trying to reason with their child.

With a sigh, I sit down on the singular couch to the left of the big sofa. "I don't need a month off."

"Take it to go back to London for a month Halle. November is the earliest I could get for you and they'll start arranging it properly in the next few weeks to take bookings and arrange venues." Mick explains through an exhausted sigh.

"What if I don't take a month off and start tour in September?" I suggest with a smile, trying my very hardest to make it difficult for him to say no to me asking, because this tour means the world to me and even the fact I'm allowed to go on tours is incredible, I just can't wait. "I don't need a month off Mick."

"Well, Halle, some of us do alright?" Mick says.

Now I feel awful.

Mick means the world to me. He's like a father figure to me, but more of an uncle. My dad lives miles away back around in England and I was absolutely terrified to move out here on my own, but Mick met me the second I landed and has helped me through every challenge I have faced. He's been the only reason I've survived in L.A. and I'm so incredibly lucky to have such an amazing manager.

Mick really does go above and beyond and he works his arse off for me. He's a great friend on top of all of that too and I think I could call him at any time of the night saying I'm having a crisis and he'd come to help me. He deserves time off, and in fact, if Mick doesn't want to tour until January then fine, he deserves it.

"I'm sorry." I say with a genuine smile. "Sorry. November is great. I sounded so ungrateful there mick, I apologise for that, you-"

"Halle, you say sorry too much kid." Mick chuckles.


"Halle?" He says, looking at me smiling. "Enough with the sorry's, it's fine."

"Well now I don't know what to say." I laugh slightly.

Mick was about to say something until he stopped, and a shadow began walking towards us. It was Harry, but I wasn't expecting him to stop and talk considering things have been scarily awkward since the AMA's. I was wrong though, Harry sat down at the opposite end of the couch to Mick and I've never been more confused.

He's dressed in his blue jeans and a Rolling Stones t-shirt, that's how you can tell it's a Harry Styles outfit and not a Harry Styles stylist's outfit. In the few days I haven't seen him, I think there's even a new tattoo on his arm. It's an anchor, and I swear I've never seen it before.

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