Chapter Two

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Halle Henry

It's my first night opening for Harry and the nerves I'm feeling are so strong that they're causing that sick feeling in my stomach. I've done many of my own shows before, but never have I performed in front of thousands of people waiting to see somebody they love. The pressure is on, it really is.

I'm only on for half an hour, which means I'll have time for around eight of my own songs. I released an EP last year with eight songs anyway, and then I've done two singles since, and I know exactly which two to get rid of.

The EP was something the label pushed for because they wanted a female rock artist as soon as possible. They told me to save all of my good songs for the album and told me to write new ones for my EP, and I really do not think it's my best work but apparently I'm up for an award or two this summer, so maybe it wasn't too bad.

Standing in the wings, knowing that in just a couple of seconds I'll be out there singing to people I never have before, is terrifying. I don't mind performing at my own concerts, because people are there to see me, but these people have come to see Harry Styles, and I care far too much about what people think of me to let this go badly.

With a deep breath, I decided to just go for it. I walked out onto the stage in front of the biggest crowd I've ever played for in my life, and the loud sound of chatter was soon replaced by a few cheers. Just like that, the anxiety was gone.

I placed the strap of my guitar on my shoulders and counted to three before going straight into the intro of my first song. The lights went up and there I was, standing in the centre of a stage in front of 12,000 people.

I didn't know how it felt to be alive in the world until that very moment, when the lights went up and thousands of people cheered.

When I sang the first words and the sound of a thousand voices overpowered mine, it thought I was going to pass out with joy. I could barely sing due to the fact I couldn't help but smile. Although the crowd was doing most of the singing for me, I don't think I've ever felt more grateful in my entire life.

I'm used to small 500 capacity venues. Mick always asked me if I wanted to try an arena but I was terrified of being that person who books an arena and sells 300 tickets, because in this industry, specifically as a woman who plays rock music, you will be made fun of for shit like that.

Maybe I second guessed myself, because there are at least one thousand people singing the words I wrote.

I made eye contact with the people in the front row, standing against the barriers and I smiled at them, because the fact they're dancing and singing to a song I created is absolutely surreal. When I did smile at them, one of the girls freaked out as if I was in fact Harry Styles, and this was my own concert.

I've never seen anything like this. I've never felt anything like this.

It sure does feel great to feel alive.

I got to the end of the first song and I paused, staring into the crowd and scanning each and every single face I could. It feels insane, and these people aren't even here to see me, they're here to see Harry yet they're still happy to listen to me? I'm in disbelief.

I expected an arena full of people awkwardly shuffling back and forth whilst they waited for Harry Styles to come out, but I was proved the opposite.

The crowd cheered, and I glanced over to the side of the stage with a smile on my face, and standing there in the shadows was Harry. He looked as if he was deep in thought, and when we caught eyes he nodded at me. It was a nod as if he was thankful that he made the right choice in bringing me with him, and I'm glad.

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