Chapter Twenty Five

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Halle Henry

I don't think I've ever felt like a girl from a movie more in my life. Harry and I are currently sat on a quiet part of the beach, staring into the dark scene ahead of us, with our only source of light coming from the moon.

When we got here, we balanced on each other to take off our shoes and to be honest, I was just glad to get my heels off. We headed down onto the sand and then Harry took off his jacket, laid it down and let me sit on top of it sao my dress doesn't get covered in sand. It was a very simple gesture, but when he sat down next to me on the sand, I couldn't help but smile.

We sat silently for a few minutes, just looking at the impeccable view ahead of us, and taking advantage of the cool evening breeze in the hopes that maybe we'd sober up a little. If anybody saw us right now, they'd think we were strange, and maybe we are. We're sat here dressed to the nines, Harry in a glittery gold shirt and purple trousers, me in a very formal red dress, and we're just sitting on the sand like it's nothing.

"Where'd your mum go?" I ask him. "Did you not take her back to her hotel?"

"My mum is very capable of finding her own hotel, Halle."  Harry says, nudging me with his shoulder as he sits next to me with his knees up at his chest.

"Harry, your mum has come to visit you, you should be spending time with her." I told him.

"Okay, well should I go and get her from her hotel to come join us? Should I find a phone box and call her?" Harry says, and I just furrow my brows at him because he was being ridiculous. "Thought so."

"That is not what I meant, you wanker." I chuckle, nudging him back.

"Yeah? Well I'll spend time with my mum when it isn't midnight and the night of an event." He says with a smile. "Right now, I'm here with you."

My heart fluttered and a smile crept onto my face, which is terrifying. This whole thing feels like a crime, the fact I'm here getting butterflies over someone like Harry, someone I shouldn't be with and someone who is known for sleeping around. I'm not one to judge someone based on who they sleep with or how many people they sleep with, if he wants to do that then cool, I just don't want to be just one of the women Harry has slept with, and part of me is paranoid that's all I will be if this goes any further.

Yet I can't stay away. I can't stop thinking about him and searching every room for his presence. I can't stop wishing that he'd see me as somebody beautiful and not just someone he has to be friends with because of PR.

Harry stood up, and he placed his shoes next to his jacket I was sitting on, and then he held his hands out for me to grab. Confused, I held his hands and he pulled me up to my feet, with his face just centimeters from mine and a mischievous smirk creeping onto his lips. He dropped my hands and folded up the bottom of his trousers, and then he took his watch and rings off.

"What are you doing?" I ask him with a slight laugh. He then stood behind me to take off my necklace, and then my earrings, bracelet and the two rings I was wearing. "Harry?"

"Come on." He smiled, tossing them down onto his suit jacket and pulling me along behind him by the hand.

I followed, shaking my head unsure of what the fuck Harry was about to do. The pace started picking up, and Harry was running ahead whilst pulling me behind him and we were heading right to the water. Hesitantly, I tried to slow down but Harry looked back and laughed, running a little faster as water splashed up onto his bare feet.

"Harry!" I laughed, trying to pull myself back. "My dress!"

"Fuck the dress!" He shouted over his shoulder, stepping right into the water, ankle deep and causing the hem of my dress to become soaked. "I'll buy you a new one!"

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