Chapter Twenty

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Halle Henry

Harry and I rushed into a taxi and practically begged him to take any shortcut he could. We paid extra and the driver got us there in ten minutes. Meaning we were only half an hour late so could use the excuse of traffic being busy or something.

The label are already well into their celebrations, and my dad and Ellen said they'd meet me there once I had finished the interview and changed. Hopefully tonight, that's all it will be about - celebrating. It's been a great evening so far, so much has happened and I'd like it if we could keep spirits high.

I can't believe I won two awards, and I can't believe Harry and I did that. It wasn't awkward when we got into the taxi, we laughed about it and drove to the place where our afterparty was held, we just spoke to the driver about the night as he was fascinated by the fact he was driving us, which felt odd to me. I'm just really used to the prospect of people getting excited over my existence.

Once we arrived, we were greeted immediately by Sam, Harry's manager who was very concerned over why we had taken so long, but I left it to Harry to explain because one, he's not my manager and two, I don't fucking know what to say.

"Where were you guys?" Sam asked us frantically hurrying us inside.

"Traffic was crazy and we got stuck talking to someone at the awards." Harry answered on behalf of the both of us.

"Okay well you're here now, Halle go and talk to your dad, Harry, you're coming with me." Sam stated, taking Harry by the shoulders and leaving me alone to search for my dad and sister.

That wasn't a hard task, I heard my sisters squealing from miles away and ran right towards her, jumping into her arms as she swung me round in a circle, the excitement causing us to hug each other like never before.

I've missed Ellen so much. As kids, we didn't often argue because of Dad, we never wanted to make him upset and we've grown up to be really close. She's my best friend and knowing I've done her proud fills me with so much joy. All those years of us sharing a bedroom where I'd keep her up at night whilst playing my guitar as she'd be trying to read or plan her future best selling novels have paid off. I've won two awards, and she's about to publish a novel so well written that it'll be on the bestsellers list without a doubt.

"You did it! I knew you would!" She exclaimed, placing me back down on the ground and holding my face with both of her hands. "I'm so fucking proud of you."

I smiled back at her, laughing at how this whole evening feels like nothing but a fever dream. My dad then appeared round beside us, and I threw my arms around him, swaying from left to right as I appreciate the fact my dad is here, and that he watched my performance and saw me win my first two awards at my first award show.

"Wow Halle, I'm so proud of you, so so so proud of you." My dad said, kissing my cheek and then pulling back, shaking his head in disbelief. "Where's the bloody time gone, ey? Feels like yesterday when you were putting on a show for me and El doesn't it?"

"She's not just our little rockstar anymore." Ellen chuckled, throwing her arm around my shoulder and placing a glass of champagne into my hands.

"Don't be daft, she'll always be our little rockstar." My dad smiled, holding his glass out to me for a 'cheers'.


Dad, Ellen and I stood having a few drinks together which I enjoyed, I haven't been in their company for so long. Hearing all about life back home in London makes me miss it so much, even just hearing about the neighbours. I can't wait till I have a shoe there and perform in front of all the familiar faces I'm currently missing.

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