Chapter Ten

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Halle Henry

Harry and I didn't really talk after the show, despite the whole bringing me up on stage thing. I called my dad to tell him the news and by the time the phone call was done, I was too tired to go down and join the party. So I went to bed early, hopped on the bus this morning and still, Harry was nowhere to be seen.

He was on the other bus, with his band and his team so it wasn't like he was avoiding me. I was with Mick and the team who work alongside me. Mick was still talking about last night's little 'stunt' and how it did good things for Harry and I's favourable friendship.

He's not wrong. Roses and Thorns published an article about it, with a photo taken by the venue's photographer of Harry and I standing with an arm around each other singing our hearts out. It's not a very flattering photo to say the least, but I suppose it's a moment I'll remember for a while, and a photo bound to make a few reappearances.

The article was about how it was the start of something great and then they proceeded to write about Harry's love/sex life and why I'm such a good friend because he's caused less drama on this leg of the tour. Tabloids really do have no limits, they'll talk about anything as long as people give them money for it.

Next week, the tour will be over as there are only three nights left, however the AMA's are also next week, therefore meaning today we find out who has been nominated. This is the beginning of the award season. After the AMA's there are the smaller awards, the ones specific to genres, there's all of the music festivals and then of course, we have the Grammys.

Mick was itching to get off the bus and see whether Harry and I had been nominated for an award or not. I think I could tell you right now that Harry will end next week with an American Music Award, there's no doubt about it.

By the time we got to the venue, I had napped and somehow woken up feeling worse than I did before. I walked off the bus in my red flares, a t-shirt cropped so much that if I lifted my arms you'd see my chest, but it was cropped to showcase my tattoo. Of course there were people waiting outside the venue to see Harry, and it was my first time seeing him since last night too so I did have to make myself look presentable.

I could tell when Harry stepped off the bus, I could've heard the cheer from miles away. Then I heard my name being called, and Mick urged me to walk round the front behind Harry to say hello to people. I thought he was being ridiculous, because why would his fans want to talk to me?

I was wrong though. Harry was ahead in his blue jeans and white T-shirt combo, and when I came into the eyeline of people who really wanted to see Harry, they called my name too. I signed their notebooks, their pictures of Harry, their magazines, and even that picture of Harry and I from last night.

"Are you in love with Harry?" One of the girls asked me as I scribbled my name on her piece of paper that also had Harry's autograph on it.

"I'm in love with his music." I chuckled back as I handed her over her autographed paper. "He's a great guy, a great friend but no I'm not in love with him at all."

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Another one of the girls asked me, and before I knew it, I was standing outside the venue gossiping with a group of teenage girls.

"Nope. No time for boys." I smiled, signing a T-shirt belonging to a pair of arms who flung the fabric at me.

I can't believe this is what I do now. People want my autograph and people want to listen to me. I never really thought I'd be somebody to give my autograph out, I always thought that was something for super famous people to do, but here I am. Everyday I think I couldn't be more surprised by the things that have come because of my job, another corner is turned and

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