Chapter 14

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Deidara started working as an intern biochemist in the Uchiha corps. The job was tiring but it excites him too. He jotted down notes every now and then. He also perform gracefully so that he will have a nice record. Surely applying to the Uchiha's wasn't a bad thing. Or so he hopes.

Something was definitely wrong with Obito. What is it was something he don't know. There's some change in him but Deidara can't point out what. And as usual, Deidara pushed it in the back of his head. Because he believes that if something was wrong, Obito will tell him what it is. Or so he thought.

Deidara didn't mind it anymore. And if it bugs him whenever he sees Rin Nohara every other day in the company to visit Obito, he didn't tell. No one has to know. Besides, they have been best friends since no one knows when, nothing was wrong with it. The ache in his heart disappeared when Obito asked him for a dinner date. He accepted of course.

"So, how's work?" Obito asked him, smiling. The kind of smile he always give to Deidara. But something was wrong with it. Once again, he pushed it in the back of his mind.

"Nice. I actually enjoyed the job. And the workmates too." Deidara replied, munching the dinner.

And at that, he forgot all his worries for Obito. They talked about everything, they walked; hands intertwined with each other, giving small kisses here and there. The night was perfect for them.

After that night they were become too busy. Obito with his training-to-be-CEO job and him in the biochemistry. They had lunch here and there and that's all matters. At least they still have time for each other, even if it was little. Sometimes before sleeping they will try to call and update each other of what happened to their day. Deidara also saw often of Rin Nohara. Again, he didn't try to think something of it.

The Akatsuki's had a meeting once a week instead of everyday because just like him, they were all busy. It didn't matter to him, for Deidara they were all just connections. Connections that will be useful once he take over his father's company. If he ever did take over it, no wonder the division with chemistry with it will be his favorite.

"Hey Deidara." He was cut offed from his thinking when he heard someone called his name. It was Ino Yamanaka.

"Ohh hey?" Deidara answered, slightly scratching the back of his head. He didn't exactly have a close friendship with the said girl but they talked here and there. She's also in his brother's circle of friends. What she's doing here is none of his business and honestly, he don't care. She seems nice enough, tho.

"We're going out later. Want to join?" Ino asked him. He weighed in his mind the things he can do later. But it's been long since he went out and his co-workers seems a nice company. The night out will also serve as a bridge for him to get closer to his co-workers.

"Sure. Just tell me the details." Deidara nodded and Ino told him the details.

Apparently there's a new bar in town and they want to go there to see if it was worth the second go. The bar boomed with nice comment about them so they decided to try and see if the rumors are true. Deidara told Obito of course. They might still be in courting stage but it's a nice gesture to tell your partner things.

Partner. There was nothing special about that word but it made Deidara blushed. He can't call Obito his mate yet so partner will do.

Deidara focused on his current job. The earlier he get it done, the more time he'll get to rest before they go out. Of course he didn't forget to tell his parents that he'll be home late. Deidara would never forget that since his parents are such worrisome. But still he won't complain, that's just show that they cared for him.

Deidara's thought went to the said night out and again his heart starts beating faster again. He clutches his chest and breathe deeply. What the hell is going on with him? Maybe he should visit a doctor. When the word doctor entered his mind, his thoughts went straight to Rin Nohara. She was a good doctor. Maybe he should visit her one of these days since obviously there's something wrong with him. Besides, she's a good friend of their family so she might give him a discount.


The day quickly goes on and it's time for their night out. Deidara was not exactly excited but he's looking forward to it. He quickly changed into formal clothes before going home. He told his workmates that he would just meet them at the bar. He's not comfortable going out without having a shower since he just got out from work.

Hours after, he arrived at the bar at 8:00 pm. His eyes roamed around the place. Familiar faces invades his view. The whole place is quite invitating and convenient for his taste.

"Deidara!" Ino called from the distant couch. Buckets of beer and bottles of alcohol are in the table. Looks like they already started. Deidara walked towards them and smiled before taking a seat. He drink a vodka and winced at the taste.

"Is that Obito?" a sudden voice from the near couch whispered but he heard it. It caught his attention and immediately turn his head towards the voice.

"Oh you are right! Wait, that's Rin right?"

"Yes. They're childhood friends right? Based on what I've heard."

"They are not a thing right? That's hilarious!"

Both of them giggled but he just chuckled without humour. Girls oblivous with his deadly stares continue their chitchat while Deidara trailed his gaze towards Obito and Rin. Anyone would really mistaken them for a couple.

'He would not do that right?' His mind whispered. 'But if he dared to? You are not even sure if he really likes you' the other side of his mind contradict.

'Trust him.' was his last thought before chugging the drinks in front of him. Funny but he felt weird. He kept glacing at them and when he noticed Obito's arm at the back of the couch where Rin is sitting, he felt hallow.

'What the heck is wrong with you?'

A few shot of vodka made him alert. He almost felt the sudden dizzyness that he never imagine he will feel.

'Ahh my body is a traitor- this is not what I am expecting!' Deidara hissed in his mind.

With a clouded mind, he got up from the chair that comfort his stupid ass. His step is still steady but he can feel his vision a bit blurry. With the effects of alcohol or the tears threatening to fall, he doesn't know.

Deidara's intended destination is outside or somewhere that will clear his stupid mind but his feet drag him somewhere else.

"Deidara." Obito's shocked voice almost made Deidara laugh. What? He didn't expect Deidara to see him?

Deidara continued to stare at them. Rin's eyes wondering what's happening. She looks like an angel. He almost feel insecured. Deidara's pheromones started sending distressing scent. Before that finally happened, he turned his back at them and walked away, towards the exit.

On his way, he heard Obito calles his name. Deidara doesn't care. The pain in his chest was too much to handle. His eyes started to water and before he knew it, his tears started to fall like a waterfall. When he finally reached the parking lot, his knees gave up and he fell on the ground. He was a crying mess.

Obito is a liar. But he was a good liar. Too bad he catched up. Too bad Deidara found out. Too bad for Obito, and so much bad for Deidara. Because once again, he was broken.

One more chapter and we're doneeeee!!!!┌(・。・)┘♪

Subtle PoisonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora