Chapter 1

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To say Deidara is angry was an understatement. Oh yes, he was furious! He can't stop blaming Kurotsuchi and cursing her. She was the reason he was in this situation. He kept telling her he doesn't need any alpha. Of-fucking-course! With his past with them he can tell that alpha's are fucking bastards.

Many tried to convince him to enter in a relationship again. That not all alpha's are the same. That he isn't getting any younger. Oh my god! He was just 19! He doesn't need anyone and if he did need anyone then he'll find someone. But not right now. He wants to enjoy his life. His life with his art because he believes that Art is a Bang! Yeah!

That's one of the many reasons all of his friends tried to get him laid. Because they believe that someone will get him to stop his idiocy. They even called him pyromaniac. And what's pyromaniac even means?! It's not that he's an idiot, he doesn't really know duh!

Life is fleeting, like his art. That's why he should live his life to the fullest. And he doesn't need some alpha holding him back. He can live with himself thank you very much.

"So, what do you want, yeah?" he asked frowning to the man in front of him. This man looks like a beta, with how he lacks of scent. Yep. Definitely a Beta. He stared at this man. He's big, yeah. Like giant big. He's also blue.

"Nothing. I'm just checking up on you. Someone's gotta make sure you're still alive." said the blue man. He doesn't bother knowing his name. He doesn't need another name in his memory.

He rolled his eyes. "So? I'm alive and well. You can now leave. And tell your fucking boss I don't need a bodyguard, yeah? My family's very capable of keeping me alive."

Before the man can reply, he closed the door right in his face. He sighed and was about to go in his room when he heard his brother calling at him or well, yelling.

"Deidara! Deidara!" he saw him running towards him. He can't help but to raise one of his eyebrows to him. It's so early in the morning and here he was, full of energy, fucking shouting in the morning. Deidara sighed.

His omega brother stood in front of him, grinning. "I just saw someone left our house. Who's he? Your new boyfriend?" he was about to forget that but thanks to his little brother he remembered his dilemma again.

"Nope. Not gonna happen. And please keep your mouth shut. It's fucking early and you don't want a grumpy mom in the house, yeah?" He shivered just remembering how untameable their mother is. She definitely got some attitude you don't want to encounter.

Naruto, his brother, nodded. All of them, and when you say all of them means the whole family, knew not to anger a certain Uzumaki Kushina. Naruto and Deidara got their hair color from their father, Namikaze Minato, except Naruto inherited the spiky hair from their father and his was long straight hair from their mother. Then their face was from their mother but with their dad's eyes.

"So? Who was the man that left our house 'ttebayo?" he asked AGAIN. Deidara just waved his hand before turning his back. But his brother didn't stop there. He kept on tailing him, calling his name or just being nosy or noisy or anything you want to call him.

And to stop him, Deidara shut his room door right in front of Naruto's face. Fortunately, Naruto seemed to stop. But he knew better. Once he saw a chance he will pester him again and he better have a good explanation to why there were a man leaving their house so early in the morning.

Nothing left to do, he decided to get ready for school.






They were eating their breakfast and god-knows how badly he want to strangle his little brother. The brat was grinning and looking at him. Looking as if he did something that amused him. He heard a sigh.

"So Dei-chan, why do Naru-chan kept grinning like a maniac and looking at you?" their rather grumpy mother asked him, raising her eyebrows.

Uzumaki Kushina has an exact time to wake up. 6:45 am. She won't wake up until it's exact 6:45. If she woke up earlier than that, then the whole day should make it up for her. And their grumpy mother was all Naruto's fault because he can't keep his loud-mouth shut, waking everybody up in the house.

"I really don't know mom. You know how Naruto works. Sometimes there's a day where he's an extra idiot yeah, not that he's not an idiot but this day he was an extra idiot." he said while looking rather pointy to his idiot of a brother.

"Takes one to know one" he heard their mother mumble before finishing up her breakfast. He finished his after and got his things.

Two of them was an omega. No one got lucky enough to be an alpha, not that he'll say being an Alpha was lucky because Alpha's are jerks. Both of them has distinctive attitudes. Well, you can say both Deidara and Naruto are brash and loud-mouthed.

Deidara was the weird one in them, with his obsession of his own art which he blows up everytime someone complimented it. And they also call him an idiot. You can't blame him though. He'll keep his motto for art until the day he dies but he decided if he dies he wants it to be a bang because Art is an explosion, yeah.

Naruto was the literal idiot. He's obsessed in ramen. He has his own cupboard in his room full of cup ramen, some ordinary flavors and some limited edition ones. And he's the idiot 2.0

"Dad! We're leaving!" Deidara shouted before him and his brother got in the car. He is 2 years ahead of his brother. He took Chemistry based course because of his art of course. He needs resources for it and being a chemistry student gave him an access to some things.

"Hmmm someone's following us" Naruto said, looking at the rearview mirror. He silently cursed at himself. He will really strangle Kurotsuchi for this because it was her damn fault. He doesn't need to look at it because he knew who it was.

"You're hiding something from us Dei" Naruto added. He didn't ask because he knew damn well he's really hiding something from them.

"It's nothing, yeah. Don't mind it. I'll tell when the time comes." he said not sparring glances because he felt his brother was frowning.

He arrived at the University and immediately parked the car. There, in the parking lot, he met their friends. The two of them have the same circle of friends. Mostly his brother's friend. One of them was Naruto's boyfriend though. An Uchiha. A brooding emo duck butt Uchiha.

They won't really get me off their eyes huh. Deidara thought. Now he's a hundred percent sure he will blow Kurotsuchi up. "We will talk later Dei" Naruto whispered at him before running to their group. He just grunted before he walked towards them.

He looked at the very same man who went to their house early this morning. He mouthed 'fuck off' silently. "You look pissed Dei." a pink haired girl said. Her name is Haruno Sakura. Intelligent you can say.

"Yeah Dei-chan you look pissed." Oh fuck! If he isn't lucky enough. He sighed before rolling his eyes.

Oh yeah. This is my first fanfiction yeah. Just letting y'all know. (♡ω♡ ) ~♪

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