Chapter 2

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"Yeah Dei-chan you looked pissed" he gritted his teeth when he heard that voice. That fucking annoying voice. Deidara looked sharply at the silver-haired man.

"That's none of your business." he said and turns his back on them. He had enough of that blue man guarding or more like stalking him and he definitely don't need another one.

If really that Kurotsuchi brat didn't messed up with him this insanity wouldn't happen. He should be happy mixing another chemicals in the chemistry lab. If she just listened to him then he would be happy doing things he enjoyed and not glancing at the surroundings every chance he got praying that there won't be some sort of bodyguards stalking him.

And most off all, if that brat listened to him then she would definitely know that he fucking hates Uchiha's! That fucking brat set him up on a date with an Uchiha. Sure he can tolerate some emo Uchiha, which his brother's boyfriend, and an Uchiha with a stick-up-in-his-ass. Surely, he didn't need another one. Of course he's sure. Hundred percent sure.

You might ask why he hates the Uchiha's? Because...! Uchiha's are fucking arrogant pricks and their damn eyes that keep degrading his art. Of course no one should degrade his art because Art is an explosion, yeah! Good thing that the Uchiha's in his circle of friends isn't like the others but they weren't enough to get the clans name clean to him.

And this fucking Uchiha that had been set up on him is a damn Alpha. That's another point to why he hated everything that happened and was certainly sure that he will blow Kurotsuchi up. It looks like kami was punishing him for the arts he blew up B.U.T. of course he will blow it up because Art is fleeting, it is transient, it is beautiful precisely because it cannot be captured! It is here for a glimpse and gone in the next, yeah, a teasing flash of revelation and understanding of art's deep meaning! An artist, a true artist, is one who knows that they will never know the extent of their art, yeah! And he will live with his motto because for him that's the true art. That's why he took General Chemistry. He gets to mix things and blows it up.

"Don't be like that Dei-dei-chan" that fucking voice teases him. He looked at that taller man behind him. His slicked back silver hair shining proudly, his magenta eyes holding some kind of amusement and his damn grinning mouth. He crosses his arm on his chest and raised his eyebrows before sighing.

"What do you want, un?" he asked. Deidara doesn't have the time to play tag or fucking charades. This damn man wouldn't talk to him if he doesn't need anything.

"Oh right. The boss wants to fucking meet you. Something along the lines 'wants to fucking make sure you're still fucking alive'" he said. Of course it's the boss. He just turned his back on him, again. He have classes and he certainly don't want to waste his time on them.

It just took one fucking blind date and it ruined everything for him. Well, he gotta thanks his friend for that (fucking note that sarcasm in there).


"Come on now Deidara-nii. I've set this up for you. At least be grateful enough and show up" Kurotsuchi whined at him, forcing him to go get dressed and met the guy they fucking set up on him.

"Well excuse me, I didn't told you to set me up without my knowledge, un. Besides, how many times do I have to tell you that I don't want relationships right now, yeah!?" He said. Of course he will fight for his rights. He won't be swayed by a whining little brat that was forcing him to go on a date with the man he don't know.

"Duh that's why it's called blind date. Come on now. Just show up on this date. As a compensation, I will get the chemicals you can't get your hands on. I'll do these illegal stuffs just for you to show up on this date" that got him thinking.

Those chemicals are so hard to get that it was taking him a month to plan on how to get it without getting caught. He raised his eyebrows on her as if asking 'and how will you do that?'. She explained that she kinda have some connections. He sighed and believe her. This was Kurotsuchi after all. She wouldn't lie to him about these chemicals because she knew it was for his art. And she knows best than to trick him on something connecting his interest.

He got dressed and do what she told him to do. He's obeying her not because he likes this date but because of those damn things he need. "You sure you don't want to tell me anything about him, un?" he asked again. He's been asking her multiple times about this guy they set up on him but she just wouldn't budge. She won't tell a thing about these 'hot-guy' she's talking about.

He drove his car in to the address Kurotsuchi gave him. He knows this restaurant. It was rather a fancy restaurant. She convinced him that he doesn't have to pay because the man already payed for this date. Not that he has a problem concerning money. He have plenty of it. Considering that his family have some business, he also gets commissions on some of his works, those that won't blow up.

"Reservation for Tobi, un" he said when he arrived at the said restaurant. The waitress lead the way. This man really outdid himself huh. He glance at the surroundings. Sure the ambiance was rather relaxing and the view too. His gazed shot at the man who suddenly sat in front of him. He was about to say that the seat was taken when the said man offered his hand.

"Good evening. I'm Obito Uchiha" his eyes suddenly widened. This man isn't just an Alpha but also a fucking Uchiha. He forced himself to smile and also offered his hand to shake their hands. "Good evening. I'm Deidara Namikaze"

This man has a scar on half of his face but that didn't stop him to be the 'hot-guy' Kurotsuchi told him. Yes, he was definitely hot. His body was toned and it was shown with his fitted suit. BUT! he won't let pass the truth that this man is an Alpha and also an Uchiha. The two things he hated was in this man.

This man was also jolly. So unfamiliar for an Uchiha since they are known for their cold appearance and harsh attitude. He knows that first hand since he was friends with two of them. Since he thought it wouldn't be that bad he let the date go on. Oh how wrong he was.

Welp another chapter done!

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