Chapter 13

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"Fuck I'm nervous, yeah." Deidara muttered on himself. He was inside his car, conditioning himself because damn his heart won't stop beating fast. Curse Obito for letting him know that his uncle himself will interview Deidara. Everybody knows how terrifying Madara Uchiha is. Maybe it's not too late to back out.

Deidara heard a tapping noise outside of his car. He gazed at it and saw Obito with his beaming smile. "What are you still doing there senpai?" Deidara glared at Obito. It's all his fault. Damn him.

"Damn you, yeah. I'm backing out." Deidara snarled at him, voice shaking because of nervousness.

"What? Why?"

"Why? Why?! It's your fault!" Deidara shouted at Obito, startling the man.

"What did I do?"

"Your uncle! Why's he the one to interview me?! Don't you have, like someone to do this job? Interviewer or something?" Deidara was rambling he knows, but nobody can blame him. Uchiha's are terrifying, yes.

"You're afraid of my uncle?" Obito asked, sounded shocked.

"Everybody is! Everybody's afraid of your uncle!"

"Don't chicken out Deidara senpai! Come now!" Obito was trying to open the car door but no, he won't budge. He's staying here, in the car, hyperventilating.

"No! You can't make me! Go be interviewed by your uncle or something! I won't leave this car! NEVER!"

"Don't make me carry you Deidara. Come out now." Obito's voice was serious. Deidara shooked his head hurriedly, making his neck looks like it will separate from his body.

Obito glared at him that made him open the door. Deidara pouted and let Obito dragged him towards the company. He really was nervous. Maybe the Sarutobi's will hire him instead, right? The interview was not worth it for his life. And did Madara know his relationship to his favorite nephew?

Deidara was busy thinking many possible scenarios on how Madara Uchiha will castrate him. He stopped breathing when he realized they were standing in front of Madara's office. They can hear someone talking. Perhaps he was interviewing someone? So Deidara was not special? Good to know.

Deidara's eyes widen when he saw the one who was talking to Madara. It was Tobirama Senju, the scientist, his granduncle. He was about to turn back, hoping they didn't saw him but really, luck was not on his side.

"Deidara?" Tobirama Senju called. Deidara shut his eyes tightly. What the hell is Tobirama doing here with Madara? Aren't the Senju and Uchiha rival companies? If he wasn't stopping himself, Deidara would be sobbing now, not that he would admit it. Deidara heard Tobirama called him again. Damn his granduncle.

"Uh hi, uncle?" Deidara said, hesitantly. His heart wanting to get out in his chest.

"What are you doing here?" Tobirama asked him. Deidara's gaze shifted from him to something who knows what. He just have to avoid his gaze.

"I - umm- ahhh..." Deidara stammered. He can't find the right word or sentences for it. If he had said that he was applying for internship here, Tobirama would ask him why doesn't he apply for the Senju's instead? And honestly, Deidara don't want to answer that.

"He was applying for internship." Obito said and Deidara snapped his head towards him. Why must Obito punished him though? Deidara bites his lip to stop it from quivering. The additional fear doesn't sit right in his emotional state.

"Oh. Should I leave now?" Tobirama asked, but not to him, to Madara Uchiha. Deidara forgotten his fear for a second and confusion takes place. Aren't Madara and Tobirama enemies? What's going on here? It's not unknown that Tobirama Senju was an omega born in Alpha's den. But still, it doesn't explain why he was so familiar and relaxed around Madara especially since their families and company was enemies for god knows how long.

"Hn. Just wait outside with Obito. It won't take long. " If his eyes can get any wider, it will. And if his jaws can hit the floor, it will. Because Madara fucking Uchiha kissed Tobirama. Kissed. In. The. Lips. Oh, is that tongue over there? Deidara averted his gaze somewhere. Fuck, he didn't need to see that. His innocence was shattered, if he still had that.

Obito and Tobirama both walked out of the office. Obito winked at him before closing the door, leaving Deidara alone with Madara. His knees feels like a jelly, with the stare Madara was giving him. Deidara almost jump when Madara cleared his throat. Madara pointed towards the chair and Deidara hurriedly sat in there.

"So..." Madara said, lowly. Deidara gulped and composed himself.

The interview lasts for 10 minutes, more or less. Deidara tried his best to answer the questions thrown at him gracefully. After all, you also need confidence to snatch the position and job you want. He also sensed that Madara was itching to ask him about his relationship to Obito but stopped himself. Yes, professionalism.

Deidara almost cried when the interview was finished and he got the job. Either it was his talent or his connection to Obito, he doesn't care. And if he thought that the questioning was finished, well, you can't blame him. The only thing on Deidara's mind (except the interview of course) was to escape Madara's piercing gaze. Okay, he have a relationship with his favorite nephew, but still.

But his expectation was not met of course because maybe Madara want to torment him. Madara ordered him to call for Obito and Tobirama and Deidara did. He was about to escape after calling them when he was pulled back inside, by none other than Obito himself. Deidara tried to glare at him, he really did. Because Obito, why must he punish him this way?

"A-ano..." Deidara mumbled. He didn't understand why he have to stay here. He applied, got interviewed and passed and got the job. That's the only reason why he was there. "Can I leave now?" Deidara asked rather gently. He should not show how badly he wants to leave the office he called hell.

"Not yet. I think we have to talk about something, yes?" Madara said while eyeing him. Deidara gulped and nodded before letting himself sit again. His legs are like a jelly with how nervous he was feeling. Deidara can hear a faint chuckle coming from Obito. He side glance and glared at him, before mouthing 'help'.

And they talked. The interrogation laster for hours. By the way Madara asked him, it's as if he was the one defiling his favorite nephew when in fact he was the one defiled. His parents didn't act this way. Deidara kinda wished they had to make Obito feel what he was feeling at the moment.

Deidara also cleared his suspicion that indeed Madara and Tobirama are in a relationship. They are getting married in fact. No one knows about their relationship except for their circle because they are a very private person. And it doesn't help that they had a rough past considering Tobirama being an omega and dubbed as a disappoinment in Senju's main family. Madara said that he invested many years upping Tobirama's self worth and all that.

Thus, they agreed to keep their relationship, for now. They won't be able to hide it when they get married. Deidara kinda wished that he have their relationship. Madara's eyes twinkle everytime Tobirama smile. And their eyes are full of emotion every time they gaze at each other. They are perfect together. Mates indeed.

Deidara looked at Obito. Will they be able to experience that? And Deidara thought about his relationship with Obito. His heart beats fast like how it beats when he was nervous. Of course he didn't paid attention to that. It might be some after shock of what happened.

That must be the first mistake he regretted much. Not minding how his heart beats fast.

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