Chapter 4

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Akatsuki. A group of elites that was feared throughout the nation. The members came from different country. To be a member you have to own a tons of money, you have to be famous because well, that will add to the fear the group was emitting once you've joined. And for Deidara, he never, as in never, dreamed of joining them. For the others, it will be a privilege but for him it was nothing but a stealer of freedom.

He got enough rules just by being a student and the heir of the Hiraishin corps owned by his father, Minato Namikaze. He doesn't need another group or hindrance to his freedom. One of his friends is a member of them, Itachi Uchiha. He's a prodigy of their clan. He was recruited by their own boss which means Itachi was a big shot for the group.

And what the hell was Obito's connection to them? Why does he have to meet them? Didn't he got the answers already from him when he sent a letter back to him? Obito was not only sending gifts to him but also sending letters. Last day he answered it and said that he was not interested for any relationships at the moment. He thought that would make him stop but he guess it made it worse considering the things that is happening to him right now.

"No. Nope. I refuse." he said while shaking his head. He certainly don't want to meet them. Why the hell would he? They are bad news for him. He was about to walk away when he saw Itachi standing behind him.

"No can do too, Deidara. Now if you may? Continue walking." Itachi said with his stoic face. He glared at the man. How dare he?! They are friends. And the man knew how he hated them, the group!

He crossed his arms in front of his chest. "You can't force me Uchiha. You know my thoughts about your group. Go take someone interested. That's not me for sure." he was known for being stubborn and that may help him right now. No one can force him to do something he doesn't want to. Even if they are friends.

Itachi sighed before signalling something to the man in his back and before he knew it he felt pain in his nape and was enveloped in darkness. Before he lost consciousness he managed to say something.


Deidara was starting to get his consciousness back when he felt that he was being tied in a chair and there are voices around him which he didn't know who belongs to.

"Do you really have to knock him up Itachi?"

"I have no other choice. Deidara is the most stubborn person beside his brother." he heard the emotionless voice which he was sure belongs to Itachi.

He tried to moved but the ropes that being used to tie him up hurts him. He grunted and the whole room become silent. Now they know he was awake. Deidara raised his head to meet the piercing stares the Akatsuki members are giving him. He frowned before trying to move again. Damn the ropes are so tight it was hurting him.

He looked at them one by one. There's a man with orange hair and strange piercings in his face, a red haired man with a ringed purple eyes, another red haired man looking rather bored, a bicolor man looking at him psychotically, there's also a man in the corner counting money, the slicked silver haired bastard, the blue bastard with a pointy teeth, a girl -oh there's a girl in this organization?- with a short blue hair and an origami flower in her hair and the bastard Uchiha.

"What do you need from me, yeah?" He asked them once he fully gained his consciousness. He doesn't want to be rude with them but fuck it, they literally kidnapped him.

The orange haired man coughed before answering him. "We wish for you to join our organization. We have heard of you and your talent in chemistry. Although it was only you blowing things up. And also the fact that you are the heir of your father's company." He rolled his eyes. Of course it was only blowing things up. That's the only reason why he took Chemistry although he really like the course so he guess it was a plus.

He was about to talk when the orange haired man talked again. "We won't take no for an answer. That leaves you agreeing and joining us." He gritted his teeth.

"Then why the fuck are you asking me if I can't decline?" He glared at the man. He gazed throughout the room. Are they in a fucking abandoned room?

"We're just informing you. I'm not threatening you but, you might regret if you decline." The blue haired girl said to him with a rather sweet smile.

"You just fucking threatened me, yeah! You're not saying that you will kill me if I decline right?!"

"Maaa, not sure." He rolled his eyes. Everything's just too much for him to handle. He glared at Itachi. He has a part for his misfortune.

"Fine. I guess I still want to live" He muttered blankly. "Now, can you fucking untie me, un?!" He doesn't have any patience anymore considering that the rope was really hurting him. Who the hell tied him up?!

They untied him and he did a few stretches infront of them. He just doesn't care about them anymore. First, they introduced themselves to him. The oranged haired man with piercings is named Yahiko or so he wants them to call him Pein. The red head with purple ringed eyes is named Nagato. The only girl is named Konan. The three of them was the royals of the little city named Amegakure.

Next was the another red haired man named Sasori. Heir of the company specializing in puppets. There's also the blue man that was always guarding him named Kisame Hosigaki. Part of the Seven Swordsmen originating in one of the big country named Kirigakure. The one counting money in the corner was named Kakuzu, the oldest member of the group, owner of the famous bank chains of the country. The bicolor man was named Zetsu, they also said that he has a split personality that really frightened him, one of the heirs of the Otsutsuki chains of company. The slicked haired bastard was named Hidan, heir of the Jashin companies, also rumored to be running a cult. And he already knows the fucking Uchiha, Itachi, just like Obito, he is also practicing to be the owner of some of many companies the Uchiha's owned.

They also discussed some of the rules he should follow. Great, another rules. He mentally rolled his eyes.

"We suggest that you stayed in the house that the Akatsuki owned. Some of the members live there but it's your own choice." Konan said. Figures, some of them came from another country.

"That I decline. I don't want to leave our house, yeah. Mom will beat me up." He said, crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Awww little Dei-dei is a mommy's boy." the fucking bastard teased him. He angrily looked at him before scowling.

"Ohhh look here you fucking satanist, yeah --"

"-- It's Jashinist you fucking heathen --"

"-- I'm not a mommy's boy, un!"

And that's where their brawl started. The members can't do anything but sighed before stopping them. Some of them think that inviting or rather forcing Deidara to join was a bad idea.

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