Chapter 3

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He thought the date would be nice. Of course, with the man being so jolly what could go wrong right? He scoffed remembering what happened. At first, they talked things about each other, like favorite foods and sorts, he also told things he hates of course just so they wouldn't run out of topics.

He scoffed when the man ordered the food he hated the most, rice pilaf. Didn't the man heard him? Or maybe, he didn't listen. When the man looked in his way, he forced a smile again. He forced himself to eat the disgusting food he ordered. He was being kind of course, he didn't want to hurt the feelings of his date, if he ever has one.

Then he forgot that thing when he starts talking again. You can say that Obito was funny to talk to. When they talk, they never ran out of topics. So Deidara thought that maybe the pilaf was just one mistake. They talk about his art, and he's sure that Obito sees the shine in his eyes while he's talking about it. They also talk about Obito's work. He manages some company under his grandfather, Madara's name. Because he's the only one in the clan that Madara likes.

When they decided to go home they're still talking. They even exchange phone numbers just so they can still communicate. What he didn't expect was some girl running after Obito. She clinged into the man and talked about how 'last night' was fun and they should do it again. So this fucking Alpha was a womanizer huh. He keep the thoughts to himself. And the nerve of this fucking guy to entertain the girl as if he wasn't there. So being a kind man that he was, he excused himself and walked to his car and drive home.

And that's the start of his hell. Obito seems to like him, they said. But he doesn't give a fuck because Obito kept on disappointing him. He's an omega yes, but he won't bow down to some alpha just because he kept him entertained in their date.

"So, you still won't tell me a thing about your date last week?" Kurotsuchi asked him. They have the same class this morning and he have to endure an hour and a half of a prying nosy Kurotsuchi. That's right, the date was last week and it's been a week that he's avoiding Kurotsuchi.

"Nope. You looked friends with him. Why don't you ask him yourself yeah?" He replied not looking at her. He kept himself occupied sketching since their professor still hasn't arrived.

"Correction, I have a friend that's friend with him. And my friend that is friend with him said to me that he likes you." He snorted. So what if he likes me? He looks at Kurotsuchi as if saying 'drop the topic I don't want to talk about it'. She sighed and raised her arms signalling that she surrender.

"I don't like him. He's an alpha and an Uchiha combined. He looks like a womanizer and he fucking ordered a pilaf in our date, yeah." he suddenly said, still doesn't leave his eyes on his sketch.

"Hmmm my friend that is friend with him said that he really is kind of a womanizer but who knows maybe he will change for you" he looked at her and she wiggled her eyebrows on him. He snorted at that thought.

"We aren't in some kind of fiction Kuro. That would never happen. See why I don't like Alpha, yeah? And him being an Uchiha added in the chances of him being a bastard, un."

"Don't be so hard on him nii. Maybe the girl who clings on him was just a psycho ex, no?"

"That wouldn't be a problem if he didn't entertain the girl infront of me, hmm!"

They started bickering about Obito. And why the hell was Kurotsuchi defending this guy. What's so great about that guy anyway? He can't even get a single information about him right.

He looked at the clock in their room's wall and it's been 30 minutes and their professor hasn't arrived yet. He sighed. "Drop it Kurotsuchi. Don't wanna talk about it, yeah."

He started another sketch. He's full of inspiration right now. Maybe something will happen, he hopes it is something good. The truth of the Uchiha liking him doesn't go unnoticed to him.

For the last week, the man kept on sending him gifts, said that it is form of courtship, not that he doesn't know that. He doesn't know what the man liked about him. But he's not an easy omega. He won't be damned just because he's courting him and just because he kept him safe by sending bodyguards, which he found rather annoying than feeling safe.

His gaze fell through the door when someone knocked in there. And there he was again, the fucking big blue man. His eyes was wondering through the room as if finding something, or someone. He inhaled sharply when the said man's gaze fall through him. "Excuse for Deidara Namikaze." he said. Deidara felt Kurotsuchi looked at him and before she said anything, he stand up and walked towards the man.

They got out and lean to the wall. "What is it this time? You've seen me enough to tell that I'm alive, right?" what proof that the man still wants from him to stop them from coming to him.

"No no. That's not what I came here for. Someone wants to meet you." he raised his eyebrow to him.

"Is this another alpha you want to set me up on? Are you the friend Kurotsuchi kept on telling?"

"No. I don't even know Kurotsuchi is." he nodded because he felt this man was saying the truth. "Anyway, nope I'm not trying to set you up to another alpha. I'd be damned if I did." the last part was more on whispered but thanks to his advanced hearing, he heard through it.

"So? Who is this man? What he needs from me, yeah?"

"Follow me."

"I'm afraid I can't. I still have classes and I'm not that rebellious to skip them, yeah." Although he knew that their professor won't attend their classes, he still doesn't want to leave. Who knew where this man would take him or what he would do to him. He doesn't want to be found dead floating in the river. If he were to die, he wants it to be a bang, no. But he doesn't have a plan to die this young. Maybe when the world recognizes his art.

"Oh don't worry. We have you excused." The man said with his toothy grin. He sighed. How many times does he sighed this day.

"I can't run away from this, can I?"

"Nope. I'm afraid you can't."

"Fine, un. I'll just get my things." he said before turning his back from him. He slid his sketchpad in his bag as well as his pencil. He got it and walks towards the door. They started walking with him behind.

"So? Where will you take me, un?" He still doesn't trust this man.

"Akatsuki." That stopped him from walking. Did he heard him right?

"Excuse me? What do you mean Akatsuki!?" He shrieked. That would be the worst thing that happened to him. Worst than his failed explosion. And that is definitely the last thing he wants to hear, like ever!

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